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Date:         Fri, 8 Feb 91 08:23:20 pst
Reply-To:     "Sci.Med.AIDS Newsgroup" <AIDS@USCVM.BITNET>
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From:         "Support Account for SCI.MED.AIDS" <aids@cs.ucla.edu>
Subject:      (2994)      Re: (2986)      Curriculum issues
To:           Fred fanucci <FFANUCCI@GMUVAX.BITNET>,
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Subject:      Re: (2986)      Curriculum issues
Date:         Wed, 06 Feb 91 11:58:18 EST
Note:	Copyright 1990 by Daniel R. Greening.  Permission granted for
Note:	non-commercial reproduction.
Archive-number: 2994
Here at Brown, there is a professor, Sally Zierler, who teaches a course on
AIDS.  Sje is in the Community Health department.  I, myself, and doing an
indendent concentration in AIDS and affected civil rights struggle.  If you
want, I can try to get more information about courses here at Brown, but
Sally's course was incredible, and had a wide range of students, not all of
which were science types.
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