[sci.med.aids] Safe Sex Survey Report from San Francisco

rjwill6@PacBell.COM (Rod Williams) (06/07/91)

The San Francisco Health Commission released the results of two surveys
yesterday, both very disturbing.  I'm posting from memory, so I'm
definitely skipping some of the information, but some figures really
jumped out at me.

The interviewers spoke to hundreds (I don't remember the exact number) of
young men between the ages of 17 and 25, outside several popular gay
dance clubs.  Over 95% of the men identified themselves as gay or bisexual.
In addition to answering questions about their sex habits, they agreed to
blood tests.

100% of the men knew about "at-risk" behavior & about safe(r) sex practices.
42% said that they'd had unprotected anal intercourse anyway.
12% tested HIV-positive.  A much larger percentage tested positive for
Hepatitis (I always confuse A and B).

The figures were much higher for men of color than for white men.
R O D   W I L L I A M S                           P A C I F I C * B E L L
S  A  N     F  R  A  N  C  I  S  C  O  ,     C  A  L  I  F  O  R  N  I  A