[sci.med.aids] Women with AIDS

rjwill6@PacBell.COM (Rod Williams) (06/08/91)

A few items from a New York Times report on a Congressional hearing
about women with AIDS on 6/6/91:

Rep. Ted Weiss (D-NY) said that about 40% of those who are known to
be HIV-positive in New York City are women.

The Social Security Administration has not changed its definition
of AIDS to include many disabling symptoms that affect only women,
despite a recommendation in March to broaden the definition to include
such symptoms as cervical cancer, candidiasis and pelvic inflammatory

One witness noted that if a poor person is HIV-positive and has a
single KS lesion, the SSA automatically begins paying disablity
benefits when applied for.  But if a woman is HIV-positive and has
had bouts of bacterial pneumonia, the beginnings of cervical cancer,
pelvic inflammatory disease and a severely depleted immune system,
she does not automatically qualify.

Women, on average, die of AIDS in half the time of men with the
R O D   W I L L I A M S                           P A C I F I C * B E L L
S  A  N     F  R  A  N  C  I  S  C  O  ,     C  A  L  I  F  O  R  N  I  A