[sci.med.aids] US Exclusion Of HIV+ Visitors

rjwill6@PacBell.COM (Rod Williams) (06/15/91)

The Advisory Board of the International AIDS Society has sent a letter,
signed by its president, Paul A. Volberding, to its membership regarding
the US government's plan to continue excluding HIV-infected visitors from
entering this country.

Apparently the decision to keep HIV on the list of diseases considered to
be grounds for exclusion will be made permanent on August 1, unless public
input between now and then causes federal officials to change their minds.

The International AIDS Society is asking its membership to write to the
following people (and also US legislators) to urge them to support the
removal of HIV from this list:

Charles R. McCance, Director            The Honorable Louis Sullivan, M.D.
Division of Quarantine                  Secretary, Health and Human Services
Center for Prevention Services          Room 615-S, Hubert Humphrey Building
Centers for Disease Control             200 Independence Avenue
Mail Stop EO3                           Washington, DC 20201
Atlanta, GA 30333

William Roper, M.D., M.P.H.             The Honorable Richard L. Thornburgh
Centers for Disease Control             Office of the Attorney General
D-14                                    Main Justice Building
1600 Clifton Road                       Constitution Avenue
Atlanta, GA 30333                       Washington, DC 20530

If the exclusion continues, The International AIDS Society will withdraw its
endorsement of Boston as the site for the Eighth International Conference on
AIDS in 1992, and any further International AIDS Conferences in the United
R O D   W I L L I A M S                           P A C I F I C * B E L L
S  A  N     F  R  A  N  C  I  S  C  O  ,     C  A  L  I  F  O  R  N  I  A