[sci.med.aids] precum and AIDS

gerri@watson.ibm.com (Gerri Oppedisano) (06/22/91)

Yes, this has been discussed recently.. Precum definitely
does have the aids virus in it and it's been considered here
(in this country and in this newgroup) to be definitely unsafe.
Just how unsafe I don't know (that is, I have no idea what the
likelihood is of contracting aids from the precum of oral sex).


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Date:         Fri, 21 Jun 91 05:04:19 pdt
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Subject:      (3273) AIDS in precum?
To:           Multiple recipients of list AIDS <AIDS@USCVM>

>From: autodesk!robertj@uunet.UU.NET (Young Rob Jellinghaus)
Newsgroups: sci.med.aids
Approved: phil@wubios.wustl.edu
Subject: AIDS in precum?
Sender: autodesk!news@uunet.UU.NET
Date: 21 Jun 91 03:02:23 GMT
Organization: Autodesk, Inc., Sausalito, CA
Note:   Copyright 1990 by Daniel R. Greening.  Permission granted for
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Archive-number: 3273

Sorry if this has been discussed recently, but I remember seeing in alt.sex
or some other bastion of factual information that European AIDS counselors
are giving out the advice that oral sex on a man is safe, as long as you
don't swallow the ejaculate.  The quote I remember is something like "sweat
and precum are the only two bodily fluids that have been determined to be
virus-free."  Apparently this knowledge is widespread in Europe but not
yet in America.

I mentioned this rumor to a counselor at the clinic where I got STD tested
today, and she said she'd never heard anything like that, and all the
AIDS updates she attended were still saying that oral sex on men is very
definitely unsafe.  Anyone here got the straight dope either way?

Rob Jellinghaus                 | "Next time you see a lie being spread or
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robertj@Autodesk.COM            |  ignorance, pause, and think of hypertext."
{decwrl,uunet}!autodesk!robertj |    -- K. Eric Drexler, _Engines of Creation_

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