I am not sure if this is the right place to post this query but I thought it was worth a try. We here at CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU have recently been able to use the tcp/ip suite through the vm/tcp machine.I has been running well thanks to our network administrators. I have used TELNET and been succeccful. Our problem comes when I use FTP to transfer pc or macintosh executable programs in a binary or packed format. I get garbage. Is there a problem with the transfer method? There are 3 'TYPE' options: Ascii, Binary, Image. Which do we use? Is the problem because the files are being sent through the vm mainframe and are being translated before getting to the micro? Is anyone also having this problem and found a work around solution? As a lot of people are beginning to use ftp this problem is coming up more frequently at our site. The questions fall on us. Any help will be appreciated Wendell P. Brown a.k.a. "Splash" Senior Technician at CUNY University Computer Center Microcomputer Resource Laboratory
wencu@cunyvm.BITNET (12/22/87)
I am not sure if this is the right place to post this query but I thought it was worth a try. We here at CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU have recently been able to use the tcp/ip suite through the vm/tcp machine.I has been running well thanks to our network administrators. I have used TELNET and been succeccful. Our problem comes when I use FTP to transfer pc or macintosh executable programs in a binary or packed format. I get garbage. Is there a problem with the transfer method? There are 3 'TYPE' options: Ascii, Binary, Image. Which do we use? Is the problem because the files are being sent through the vm mainframe and are being translated before getting to the micro? Is anyone also having this problem and found a work around solution? As a lot of people are beginning to use ftp this problem is coming up more frequently at our site. The questions fall on us. Any help will be appreciated Wendell P. Brown a.k.a. "Splash" Senior Technician at CUNY University Computer Center Microcomputer Resource Laboratory
BMURPHY@BNR.BITNET ("B.J. Bernie Murphy") (12/22/87)
Regarding file transfer between Macs, PCs and VM mainframes using FTP: When using FTP between a PC and VM you should use the Binary option to move executable files. You have to be careful with the LRECL and RECFM options on the mainframe. I find that RECFM V works best as RECFM F will get you in all sorts of trouble. Moving files created on the Mac to anywhere else is a real pain! The reason is that a Mac file has 'Resource Fork' and a 'Data Fork'. One way that works quite well is to use the Mac BINHEX utility to convert the file to ASCII prior to file transfer. This utility combines the resource and data forks as well. Having converted the file, use the FTP ASCII option. The resulting uploaded BINHEX file (ASCII text) on the VM machine can be archived or sent via RSCS to another machine as a text file. I find that storing the file with RECFM F and LRECL 80 attributes works well on VM/CMS. Getting the files back to the Mac is the reverse process. Make sure to use the same version of BINHEX. There are several versions of BINHEX floating around. I hope the above information helps... Regards, Bernie Murphy, Distributed Systems Services Group Bell-Northern Research