[comp.protocols.ibm] IBM PROTOCOL

kjc)) (01/12/89)

Hi Out there!
	I was wondering if anyone out there can help me with
some info on the IBM Protocol WYSE50?  Like, what does it stand
for and what does it mean?  A customer of ours has some IBMPS2
async terminals and would like to purchase and use the AT&T 6544 
Cluster Controller 6539 color async terminals in place of the 
IBMPS2's.  I believe the IBMPS2's do bulk file transfers, do 
	Please reply to opus!kjc.
		Thanks in advance,
		  Ken Castellano

kjc) (01/12/89)

Hi Out there!
        I was wondering if anyone out there can help me with
some info on the IBM Protocol WYSE50?  Like, what does it stand
for and what does it mean?  A customer of ours has some IBMPS2
async terminals and would like to purchase and use the AT&T 6544
Cluster Controller 6539 color async terminals in place of the
IBMPS2's.  I believe the IBMPS2's do bulk file transfers, do
        Please reply to opus!kjc.
                Thanks in advance,
                  Ken Castellano

monty@hcx1.SSD.HARRIS.COM (01/15/89)

I am sitting here typing on a Wyse 50. It is a terminal manufactured by
Wyse. It uses escape sequences quite similar to the Televideo terminals
which were popular in the early 1980's. It is not an ANSI 3.64 compatible
terminal (the Dec VT220 is close). In any case, I suspect that you have
uncovered an async compatibility mode in an IBM product which emulates
(obviously) the Wyse 50 terminal. There are quite a lot of Wyse 50's out
there although many of them say something else (OEM, OEM).

I do not think it is an IBM protocol. It is a nice terminal (well, before
windows anyway).