rekaa%si.uninett%NORUNIX@RICE.EDU ("Kjell Arne Rekaa ", EB) (07/14/89)
Does anybody have experience with, or know about, a good solution for comunication between IBM S/36 (S/38 or AS/400) and VAX/VMS (or UNIX)? Both remote login and filetransfer in both directions are of interest. We would be happy to know about sulutions that cover all these functions, or just some of them. Thank you ! OBS: I'm N O T on this list - please reply personally! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kjell Arne Rekaa .---------. .--------. /\ Address: E B COMDATA A/S / .______/ / .____. \ / \ P.o. Box 98, / / / / / / / \ N-1361 BILLINGSTADSLETTA / /______ / /____/ / /\\ \ N O R W A Y / .______/ / .____ / / \\____\ / / / / \ \ / \ ----- Phone: (+47)2 84 35 95 (work) / \-----. / /_____ / / / // \ (+47)2 22 59 21 (privat) \________/ /___________/ /_____//_______\ Telex: 74 982 EBCOM N Telefax: (+47)2 98 01 64 PSI-mail: PSI%(02422)19011821::SIVKAR EAN-mail: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------