[comp.protocols.ibm] VTAM Question

RRF%NASVM@RICE.EDU (Rob Fristrom) (07/20/89)


I have cross-posted this message to both IBM-MAIN and IBM-NETS.  Sorry if this
causes you to get two messages, but I'm in serious need of help.

I have installed VTAM 3.2 under VM 5.  I am now migrating control of our
SNA network from VSE to VM.  I'm having trouble with logging networked PCs
to a CICS application in VSE.

The PCs are "gatewayed" into VTAM via a product called Coaxgate from ICOT.
There is a gateway PC on each token-ring network, that connects to a
3299 mulitplexor port on a 3274.  Each gateway PC has 40 LUs, they are paired
into a terminal LU and a printer LU.  When a network PC user invokes the
gateway software, they get allocated one LU pair, that is then connected to

Under the current network, VSE VTAM has control of the gateway LUs.  When
a PC user invokes the gateway software, both of their LUs are forced into
the CICS application, without going through a USSTAB logon command.  This
is done by coding the LOGAPPL parmeter in the LU macros for the gateway.

I now want to move control of these gateways to VTAM under VM.  I have created
a USSTAB, that contains a logon command for the VSE system.  This works fine for
a terminal LU on the gateway.  But how do I get the associated printer LU
logged on to the same CICS as the terminal LU?  I don't want to force the
LU's into one VTAM application, but want them to be able to sign on to other
VSEs as well as CMS.

What I need is a way to issue two logon commands, when one USSTAB command is
entered.  The printer's LU name can be obtained from its associated terminal's
LU name, by changing a "T" to a "P".

I've done some reading in the VTAM manuals provided by IBM, but I have not
found anything that might solve my problem.  Do any of you have any ideas?
Thanks in advance for any help.

                                       Rob Fristrom
                                       Systems Programmer
                                       National Academy of Sciences

" Maynard) (07/21/89)

In article <8907192031.AA28801@rice.edu> Rob Fristrom <RRF%NASVM@rice.edu> writes:
>I now want to move control of these gateways to VTAM under VM.  I have created
>a USSTAB, that contains a logon command for the VSE system.  This works fine for
>a terminal LU on the gateway.  But how do I get the associated printer LU
>logged on to the same CICS as the terminal LU?  I don't want to force the
>LU's into one VTAM application, but want them to be able to sign on to other
>VSEs as well as CMS.

This isn't what you were looking for, exactly, but it may be the only
way to get there from here: write a front-end to, or replacement for,
DFHGMM (the CICS program that is invoked, via the CSGM transaction) that
uses the command interface (EXEC CICS SET command) to issue a SET
NODE(Pxxxxxxxx) ACQUIRE command. This will make CICS go get the printer
when the associated terminal logs on. You can get the terminal's node
name from the TCTTE, if you can't derive it from the CICS TERMID.

>What I need is a way to issue two logon commands, when one USSTAB command is
>entered.  The printer's LU name can be obtained from its associated terminal's
>LU name, by changing a "T" to a "P".

I don't think you can do this from USS processing. You might be able to
use an INTRPRET table to get there from here, but I'm not really
familiar with how that works.

Good luck...

Jay Maynard, EMT-P, K5ZC, PP-ASEL   | Never ascribe to malice that which can
uucp:        uunet!nuchat!   (eieio)| adequately be explained by stupidity.
{attctc,bellcore}!texbell!splut!jay +----------------------------------------
internet: jay@splut.conmicro.com    | "He's T*d, Jim."-Richard "Bones" Sexton

' Maynard) (07/21/89)

In article <8907192031.AA28801@rice.edu> Rob Fristrom <RRF%NASVM@rice.edu>
>I now want to move control of these gateways to VTAM under VM.  I have created
>a USSTAB, that contains a logon command for the VSE system.  This works fine
>a terminal LU on the gateway.  But how do I get the associated printer LU
>logged on to the same CICS as the terminal LU?  I don't want to force the
>LU's into one VTAM application, but want them to be able to sign on to other
>VSEs as well as CMS.

This isn't what you were looking for, exactly, but it may be the only
way to get there from here: write a front-end to, or replacement for,
DFHGMM (the CICS program that is invoked, via the CSGM transaction) that
uses the command interface (EXEC CICS SET command) to issue a SET
NODE(Pxxxxxxxx) ACQUIRE command. This will make CICS go get the printer
when the associated terminal logs on. You can get the terminal's node
name from the TCTTE, if you can't derive it from the CICS TERMID.

>What I need is a way to issue two logon commands, when one USSTAB command is
>entered.  The printer's LU name can be obtained from its associated terminal's
>LU name, by changing a "T" to a "P".

I don't think you can do this from USS processing. You might be able to
use an INTRPRET table to get there from here, but I'm not really
familiar with how that works.

Good luck...

Jay Maynard, EMT-P, K5ZC, PP-ASEL   | Never ascribe to malice that which can
uucp:        uunet!nuchat!   (eieio)| adequately be explained by stupidity.
{attctc,bellcore}!texbell!splut!jay +----------------------------------------
internet: jay@splut.conmicro.com    | "He's T*d, Jim."-Richard "Bones" Sexton