rivero@dev8g.mdcbbs.com (05/28/91)
[This borders on metadiscussion so I've set followups not to go to soc.feminism. - MHN] I'ld like to propose a bizarre experiment. In reading all the postings that want to end discrimination between the sexes ( which I am for), I read how "Men should do this..",or "Women are that...", etc. Let's see if maybe some articles can be posted (even if just for one week) that say ,"Some people are like this", and maybe "People should try to be....". It's a crazy idea, I admit. But it seems like maybe the first step towards ending discrimination is to start remembering that we are a PEOPLE, and start looking at things we have IN COMMON, shortcomings we have IN COMMON, and solutions to problems we have IN COMMON. Maybe then, those differences we DO have will appear the positive things that they are. Mike ========================================================================== \\\\ Michael Rivero | "I drank WHAT!" |"Why bother with marriage?| (. rivero@dev8a.mdcbbs | Socrates -------------------Just find a | )> DISCLAIMER::: |-----------| "Life is CHEAP! |woman you hate == "Hey man, I wasn't |Looking4luv| But toilet paper|and buy her a | ---/ even here then!" |Settle4sex!| is EXPENSIVE!" | house!" | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------+++++++++++++++