============================================================= A RESTATEMENT CONCERNING THE INTEREST AREAS OF COMP.HYPERCUBE ============================================================= Despite its name, "comp.hypercube" should be interested in all issues relating to parallel processing. We would like to expand the readership of the news group and therefore we are soliciting your help. I have already contacted some other groups who have indicated their interest. For those not on USENET, we expect shortly to have an ARPAnet gateway. Among the topics of interest are @ Complexity results. @ Language issues - semantics. @ Language issues - features to support various parallel architectures. @ Bench mark results and comparisons. @ Algorithms. or anything else that comes to mind that might be judge "parallel." This does not mean that we want to abandon the type of issues we have dealt with to date. I and many of the readership want to see a free ranging group. (08/27/87)
Then clearly this newsgroup should be renamed. David Bradley Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign