[comp.hypercube] This is not the Kartashev Conference

eugene@pioneer.arpa (Eugene N. Miya) (03/04/88)

I've been told to make special note of the Keynote speaker.
p.s. do not reply directly to me see the Chairs at the bottom.

                       SUPERCOMPUTING '88

                      November 14-18, 1988
                         Hyatt Orlando
                     Kissimmee, Florida, USA

                         Sponsored by:
          Computer Society of the IEEE and ACM SIGARCH

                      In Cooperation with:
Argonne National Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,
Los Alamos National Laboratory, NASA Ames Research Center,
National Center for Atmospheric Research,
National Science Foundation, SIAM, Supercomputing Research Center

Papers submitted by:  March 14, 1988
Research exhibit proposals due:  April 4, 1988
Poster proposals due:  August 2, 1988

Conference Highlights-
    Keynote Speaker:  Seymour Cray, Cray Research
    Banquet Speaker:  Carl Conti, IBM Enterprise Systems
    ACM Annual Computer Chess Tournament

Supercomputing '88 is a new conference that will bring  together
supercomputing  system  researchers,  designers,  and  users  to
report new advances and experiences, state needs, suggest future
directions,  and  contribute  to  discussions.   It will include
tutorials, a high quality technical program, on-line  and  video
taped  demonstrations,  informal  poster  sessions,  vendor  and
university exhibits, and product briefings.

TOPICS OF INTEREST. Examples include, but are  not  limited  to,
the  following: 
    Science  and  Supercomputing
    The Impact of New Technology on the Future of Supercomputing
    Supercomputing  Execution Environment
    Supercomputing Development Environment
    Supercomputing Application Environment
    Supercomputing  System Evaluation
    Supercomputing Management Issues
    Mass Storage and Supercomputers
    Technical Aspects of Products
    User Experience

PAPERS.  Authors are  invited  to  submit  papers  which  report
concrete  results  and  experience.   Papers reporting important
negative results are also encouraged.  Selection  criteria  will
include originality, clarity, and relevance.

Requirements:  Papers must be original material  not  previously
published.  Papers must be submitted without conditions; authors
must obtain any necessary approvals and/or clearances  prior  to
submission.  Copyright  release  will  be  required.  Authors of
accepted papers  will  be  responsible  for  retyping  corrected
papers  on special forms to be provided and for preparing visual
material  for  their  presentations  using  guidelines   to   be
provided.  Camera-ready  copy is due July 18, 1988. Presentation
visual material is due for quality review October 4, 1988.

Instructions:  Submit five copies to  the  Program  Chairman  by
March  14,  1988.   Papers  must be in English, be typed double-
spaced, and not exceed 25 pages (about 5000 words).  Papers must
have:   (1) a  title  page  that  lists  the  name,  mailing and
electronic address, and telephone number for each author; (2) an
abstract;   (3)  keywords;   (4)  and   the  presentation  media
requirement.   For  multiple   author   papers,   identify   the
corresponding author and the presenting author.

RESEARCH EXHIBITS.  Some space will be available for researchers
with demonstration-oriented exhibits of their research.

Instructions:  Contact the Program Chairman.

POSTERS.  In addition to informal evening  poster  sessions,  an
on-line  poster  session will be scheduled where people who have
developed interesting applications will demonstrate  them  using
exhibitor equipment.

Instructions:  Contact the Program Chairman.   Proposals for on-
line  posters should  be  made jointly  with  the  collaborating

sessions   will  be  organized  so  that  supercomputing  center
managers can share recent progress, discuss common problems, and
consider opportunities for collaboration.

Supercomputing '88 Organizing Committee
     General Chairman             George Michael, LLNL
     Program Chairman             Stephen Lundstrom, Stanford
                                    University and PARSA
     Deputy Chairman              Robert Voigt, ICASE
     Exhibits Chairman            Roger Anderson, LLNL
     Finance Chairman             Sidney Fernbach, consultant
     Local Arrangements Chairman  Dennis Duke, Florida State Univ.
     Publication Chairman         Harlow Freitag, SRC
     Publicity Chairman           George Adams, Purdue University
                                    and RIACS

Supercomputing '88 Advisory Committee
     Robert Borchers     Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
     Bill Buzbee         National Center for Atmospheric Research
     F. Ron Bailey       NASA Ames Research Center
     Melvyn Ciment       National Science Foundation
     Jack Dongarra       Argonne National Lab
     Doug DeGroot        ACM-Sigarch; Texas Instruments
     Joanne Martin       IEEE Computer Society, TC on Supercomputing; IBM
     Norman R. Morse     Los Alamos National Laboratory
     Paul Schneck        Supercomputing Research Center
     Daniel Sorenson     Argonne National Laboratory

For information on the conference, program, or exhibits  contact
one of the following:

General Chairman       Program Chairman               Exhibits Chairman
George Michael, L-306  Stephen F. Lundstrom           Roger Anderson, L-306
LLNL                   ERL 455                        LLNL
P. O. Box 808          Stanford University            P. O. Box 808
Livermore, CA  94550   Stanford, CA  94305            Livermore, CA  94550
(415) 422-4239         (415) 723-0140                 (415) 422-8572
gam@lll-crg.arpa       lundstrom@sierra.stanford.edu  anderson@lll-crg.arpa

For registration information contact the Computer Society of the IEEE,
1730 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Washington, DC  20036-1903.  (202) 371-1013