[net.micro] Apple, Jobs Settle Suit

jbtubman@watdragon.UUCP (Jim Tubman) (01/22/86)

An article in today's Globe and Mail said that Apple Computer Inc. and
Steve Jobs have settled their  legal dispute regarding  Jobs' decision
to form Next Inc., taking several key Apple employees with  him in the

Next  Inc. agreed not market  any new computers before  July, 1987; in
addition, they agree to  show any new  design to  Apple  for  a 30 day
perio before putting it on sale.  If Apple feels that any of its trade
secrets were infringed, it can appeal to an arbitrator.

Next also agreed not to try to recruit any more Apple employees (for a
10 month period, as I recall).

Jobs  said that neither  condition would be a problem.   Next does not
plan to  introduce  any  machines   until the fall   of 1987,  at  the

Both parties seemed happy that the suit was settled.

					Jim Tubman
					University of Waterloo