[comp.binaries.ibm.pc] Req for Make Docs

loafman@convexe.UUCP (01/29/88)

I would like to have the documentation for make.exe that was posted
with the NetHack game.  It does some things to get around the 128
character command line length limitation, and I would like to see an
explanation of what other 'tricks' it may have up it's sleeve.

Altogether, a good program!

Kenneth W. Loafman @ CONVEX Computer Corp, Dallas, Texas | All opinions
Voice:	  work: (214) 952-0829  home: (214) 964-1250     | are my own,
USPSnail: 1705 Coit Rd #2101, Plano, Tx 75075		 | of course.
UUCP:	  ihnp4!convex!loafman				 |        ...KWL