mdella@polyslo.UUCP (Marcos R. Della) (03/12/88)
Does anyone out there have a program that will automatically split and put files into a format for posting so that you don't have to do the entire project by hand? I don't do it often enought to warrent writing one myself, but I do do enought to wish that I had one... As for the previous postings, don't forget to take the signature out of the end of the files. Good luck and may the force be with you... ...always... -- ..!csustan ->!polyslo!mdella | mdella@polyslo | Whatever I said doesn't ..!sdsu ---/ Marcos R. Della | (805) 543-0135 | mean diddly as I forgot ..!csun --/ 225 N. Chorro St / it even before finishing ..!dmsd -/ San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 / typing it all out!!! :-)