(Dougie Nisbet) (04/21/88)
Following the recent discussion about Tabulation programs for dBASE II/III command files, I've decided to post the basic program which I use. I wrote it about a year ago, and it has served me well. It has a few options. If you want, it will - Remove Blank Lines - Remove Comment Lines - Allow you to provide the amount for tabulation. - Output the tabulated version to a temporary file, optionally overwriting the original. You can read the code, or try it out, to see the options and defaults. I've always meant to modify it so that it would operate on a complete directory of dBASE programs, but never quite got round to it. I don't know if, in fact, it is possible. I haven't ARC'd this code since it is so short, (and I don't know how to), but instead saved the code in ASCII format. Fair warning about this program - It is D - E - A - D S - L - O - W --------------------------- Beginning of Listing --------------------------- 10 REM ================================================== 20 REM Tabulation program for dBASE II/III command files 30 REM Dougie Nisbet, University of Edinburgh, Scotland 40 REM ================================================== 50 REM 60 KEY OFF 70 T=0 80 ' List program directory if required - default is no directory 90 INPUT "Program directory (Y/N) ";R$ 100 IF INSTR(" Yy",R$) > 1 THEN CLS : FILES "*.PRG" 110 INPUT "Enter Filename ";F$ 120 ' Check if default filename extension 130 IF F$="" THEN 110 140 IF INSTR(F$,".")=0 THEN:F$=F$+".PRG" 150 ' Establish Tabulation, default is 3 spaces 160 INPUT "Enter no. of spaces for tabulation ";TB 170 IF TB=0 THEN TB$=" " ELSE TB$=SPACE$(TB) 180 ' Does user want comment lines removed - default is no 190 INPUT "Remove Comment Lines? (Y/N) ";RC$ 200 IF RC$="" THEN RC$="N" 210 IF INSTR("YyNn",RC$)=0 THEN 190 220 IF RC$="y" THEN RC$="Y" 230 IF RC$="n" THEN RC$="N" 240 ' Does user want blank lines removed - default is no 250 INPUT "Remove Blank Lines? (Y/N) ";RB$ 260 IF RB$="" THEN RB$="N" ELSE IF RB$="y" THEN RB$="Y" 270 PRINT: PRINT SPC(20) "** ";F$;" **":PRINT 280 OPEN "I",#1,F$ 290 G$=LEFT$(F$,LEN(F$)-4)+".TMP" 300 OPEN "O",#2,G$ 310 WHILE NOT EOF(1) 320 LINE INPUT#1,X$ 330 ' Strip command line of Tabs and spaces 340 XT$=X$ 350 X2$=LEFT$(X$,1):IF X2$=" " OR X2$=CHR$(9) THEN X$=RIGHT$(X$,LEN(X$)-1):GOTO 350 360 X2$=RIGHT$(X$,1):IF X2$=" " OR X2$=CHR$(9) THEN X$=LEFT$(X$,LEN(X$)-1):GOTO 360 370 ' Scan Lines for non-printable characters 380 TS$="" 390 FOR LP=1 TO LEN(X$) 400 LP1=ASC(MID$(X$,LP,1)) 410 IF LP1<32 OR LP1>126 THEN TS$=TS$+"<*>" ELSE TS$=TS$+MID$(X$,LP,1) 420 NEXT LP 430 X$=TS$ 440 ' Check if Blank lines to be removed 450 IF X2$="" AND RB$="Y" THEN 730 460 ' Check for comment lines 470 IF LEFT$(X$,1)="*" AND RC$="Y" THEN 730 480 IF LEFT$(X$,1)="*" THEN 720 490 ' ADD ON NECESSARY TABULATION FROM LAST PASS THRU' 500 IF TB1$="Y" THEN T=T+1:TB1$="N" 510 IF TB2$="Y" THEN T=T+1:TB2$="N" 520 ' CHANGE LEADING CHARACTERS TO UPPER CASE TEMPORARILY 530 X2$="" 540 FOR LP = 1 TO LEN(X$) 550 LP1=ASC(MID$(X$,LP,1)) 560 IF LP1>96 AND LP1<123 AND LP1<>32 THEN X2$=X2$+CHR$(LP1-32) ELSE X2$=X2$+MID$(X$,LP,1) 570 NEXT LP 580 ' CHECK FOR KEYWORDS IN COMMAND STRING - PLUS TABULATION 590 IF LEFT$(X2$,2)="IF" THEN TB1$="Y":GOTO 690" THEN 4295 600 IF LEFT$(X2$,7)="DO CASE" THEN TB1$="Y":TB2$="Y":GOTO 690 610 IF LEFT$(X2$,8)="DO WHILE" THEN TB1$="Y":GOTO 690 620 ' CHECK FOR KEYWORDS IN COMMAND STRING - MINUS TABULATION 630 IF LEFT$(X2$,4)="ELSE" THEN T=T-1:TB1$="Y":GOTO 690 640 IF LEFT$(X2$,7)="ENDCASE" THEN T=T-2:GOTO 690 650 IF LEFT$(X2$,4)="CASE" THEN T=T-1:TB1$="Y":GOTO 690 660 IF LEFT$(X2$,9)="OTHERWISE" THEN T=T-1:TB1$="Y":GOTO 690 670 IF LEFT$(X2$,5)="ENDIF" THEN T=T-1:GOTO 690 680 IF LEFT$(X2$,5)="ENDDO" THEN T=T-1:GOTO 690 690 FOR LP=1 TO T 700 X$=TB$+X$ 710 NEXT LP 720 PRINT X$:PRINT #2,X$ 730 WEND 740 CLOSE 750 PRINT:PRINT 760 PRINT "The tabulated version of the program has been saved in ";G$ 770 PRINT "Do you want to overwrite ";F$;" with ";G$; 780 INPUT R$ 790 IF R$="N" OR R$="n" THEN 830 ELSE IF R$<>"Y" AND R$<>"y" THEN 750 800 KILL F$:NAME G$ AS F$ 810 PRINT:PRINT G$;" has been renamed to ";F$ 820 PRINT G$;" has been deleted ":PRINT 830 INPUT "Any more programs to be tabulated ";R$ 840 IF R$="Y" OR R$="y" THEN RUN ELSE IF R$<>"N" AND R$<>"n" THEN 830 850 SYSTEM ------------------------------ End of Listing ---------------------------