[comp.binaries.ibm.pc] GIF pictures

scott@hpcvca.HP.COM (Scott Linn) (03/05/88)

Regarding the GIF picture file...

Has anyone tried reading this picture with the GIF programs supplied?
Both of the GIF readers that I unarced fail to read the picture; I would
suspect that the picture got corrupted, or else the GIF read algorithm in
the two programs is hosed.  If the basic algorithm is correct, I can't see
that both programs fail in the same way due to download/transfer problems...

Scott Linn
HP - Northwest IC Division

UD046803@NDSUVM1.BITNET (03/06/88)

I too have the same problem, both program fail at the same instant.  Also the
encoded file seems incomplete because it miss the end statment.  But then it
shouldn't stop reading after about 10 scan lines.  I already sent a message to
the original sender, hope he will upload it again.

greg@engr.uky.edu (Greg Henderson) (03/07/88)

Could someone send me the algorithm for GIF pictures... not the program
just the algorithm.

Thanks in advance 
Greg Henderson

 The secret of my success is that at an early age I discovered I was not God. 
                   -\-Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.-/-
 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%===============================CSNET: greg@engr.uky.csnet
 %Greg Henderson %=INTERNET: greg@engr.uky.edu ==UUCP: cbosgd!ukma!ukecc!greg

unit@hpindda.HP.COM (Tom Engleman) (03/09/88)

I also was unable to get the reader to read the posted picture file...
The program and sources "de-arced" just fine, but when you run the program
and specify the uudecoded picture file supplied here, it scribbles 
a few lines at the top of the screen and then the whole PC bites the dust!
Only way to get out is to re-boot! Any help would be appreciated.

leonard@bucket.UUCP (Leonard Erickson) (03/10/88)

In article <644UD046803@NDSUVM1> UD046803@NDSUVM1.BITNET writes:
<I too have the same problem, both program fail at the same instant.  Also the
<encoded file seems incomplete because it miss the end statment.  But then it
<shouldn't stop reading after about 10 scan lines.  I already sent a message to

Aha! Are you trying to display it on a hercules (or clone) card? I've got the
"official" GIF routines in my copy of CI$ PC3 software. When you try to display
*any* GIF file on a Hercules card it bombs after about 10 scan lines.

CI$'s comment.... "there'll be an upgrade" (gee thanks...)

Luckily I also have a CGA in the system, So I can display the top 200 lines
of EGA pictures....   :-(

Leonard Erickson		...!tektronix!reed!percival!bucket!leonard
CIS: [70465,203]
"I used to be a hacker. Now I'm a 'microcomputer specialist'.
You know... I'd rather be a hacker."

scott@hpcvca.HP.COM (Scott Linn) (03/26/88)

Regarding these GIF pictures...

Does anyone have a "good" algorithm (or at least a start on one) that will
convert a 256-color palette down to two (black/white)?  I know that this
has been done (for the Mac GIF reader), but I have been unable to find any


Scott Linn
HP - Northwest IC Division

mgardi@watdcsu.waterloo.edu (M.Gardi - ICR) (03/29/88)

In article <6870002@hpcvca.HP.COM> scott@hpcvca.HP.COM (Scott Linn) writes:
>Regarding these GIF pictures...
>Does anyone have a "good" algorithm (or at least a start on one) that will
>convert a 256-color palette down to two (black/white)?  I know that this
>has been done (for the Mac GIF reader), but I have been unable to find any
>Scott Linn
>HP - Northwest IC Division

I have written a GIF decoder for the monochrome ST which basically calculates
a 'darkness' factor for each of the colours in the palette (R + G + B) / 3
Each time I want to plot a pixel I throw a 256-sided die.  If the number
is greater than the 'darkness', I plot a white pixel, if it is less, I
plot a dark pixel.  The resulting image is generally pretty good, though
it is no substitute for colour.  I will probably post my GIF decoder
sometime in the future (as soon as I make it fast).

David Rowley

davidsen@steinmetz.ge.com (William E. Davidsen Jr) (05/02/88)

Can someone tell me where to get GIF pictures, now that I have some neat
programs to display them. Mail would be best.

I have posted followup to .d, but since I don't have it yet, I can't
post this for obvious reasons.

	bill davidsen		(wedu@ge-crd.arpa)
  {uunet | philabs | seismo}!steinmetz!crdos1!davidsen
"Stupidity, like virtue, is its own reward" -me

bill@hpcvlx.HP.COM (Bill Frolik) (05/03/88)

Compuserve supposedly has lots of GIF pictures, although I haven't looked
since I don't have an account.  

There's a company in Portland that digitizes images and maintains a
pretty massive image collection at (503)777-1578.  They charge something
like $5/hr and you can then download all the pictures you want.  Until
you subscribe, however, you can only download about four or five files
describing the rate structure, system functions, administration, etc etc.

Bill Frolik / hp-pcd!hpcvlo!bill
Hewlett-Packard / Corvallis, Oregon