(Paul Homchick) (04/09/89)
Checksum: 1838218560 (Verify with "brik -cv") Posting-number: Volume 02, Issue 052 Originally-from: Haruhiko Okumura via Kenjirou Okubo <no email address> Submitted-by: Paul Homchick <cgh!> Archive-name: lz-comp/part01 [ This package of files was uploaded to GEnie by Kenjirou Okubo, and submitted for distribution by Paul Homchick, one of the Sysops of the IBM PC RoundTable there (thanks, Paul). Since this is a pure text package, I am posting it as text files. These files were collected together by Haruhiko Okumura, who has included a paper reviewing several data compression methods and explaining the algorithms used in the Japanese archiving programs Lharc and Larc. There are five files in this package: readme package summary compress.txt the compression paper by Haruhiko Okumura lzari.c C source for lzari compression, by Haruhiko Okumura lzhuf.c C source for lzhuf compression, by Haruyasu Yoshizaki, comments translated into English by Haruhiko Okumura lzss.c C source for lzss compression by Haruhiko Okumura Each is being posted as a separate text-only article. For redistribution, please put all files in an archive named lz-comp.* (e.g. lz-comp.arc). To get each original file, cut between the "--cut here..." and "--end--" lines. -- R.D. ] --cut here for "readme"-- Compress.txt and the associated C source files were uploaded to GEnie from Japan by Kenjirou Okubo. He provided this short introduction: This article by H.Okumura explains various algorithms of Data Compression. The article, originally uploaded in his workshop, is posted here with his permission. Also includes three C programs illustrating lzari, lzss and lzhuf methods uploaded with permission of their authors. These are the compression schemes currently being investigated by Japanese hobbiest programmers. -Kenjirou Okubo --end--