[comp.binaries.ibm.pc] v06i0: Test posting

ibmbin-requests@crdgw1.crd.ge.com (02/14/90)

Checksum: 3063347692  (Verify with "brik -cv")
Posting-number: Volume 06, Issue 0
Originally-from: davidsen@crdos1.crd.ge.com
Submitted-by: same
Archive-name: NONE/part01

  This is a test posting to be sure that stuff is getting out. If you
can't unpack it or something send a message to
ibmbin-request@crdgw1.crd.ge.com explaining the problem.

Checksums obtained with the 4.3BSD "sum" or System V "sum -r" command.

checksum     size (bytes)  file (between BEGIN--cut and END--cut lines)
   36860          415      part01

checksum     size (bytes)  file
   61114          277      testpost.zoo

-- bill

NONE part01/01
BEGIN--cut here--cut here
begin 644 testpost.zoo
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END--cut here--cut here