The WELL ... "Whole Earth 'Lectronic Link" is such an interesting BBS that I thought I would pass on my observations about it to readers of this list. The following is my description from our local electronic (mainframe) conference, modified somewhat to bring it current. "For several months now I have had an account on a BBS called the WELL, which stands for "Whole Earth 'Lectronic Link". Compared to the Source and Compuserve, this system is an incredible bargain at $8.00/month plus $2.00/hour connect time. I subscribed after buying a product called the Operating System Toolbox and reading in the user manual that I could communicate directly with it's author by logging on to the WELL and sending mail to his account (well!wendin). The WELL maintains perhaps two dozen or more conferences in various topic areas, ranging from spirituality to technical discussions of the IBM PC. Like the Source and Compuserve, if you can think of it, you can probably find it on the WELL. It's usually interesting to see who else is logged on to the system. I have often seen Stewart Brand, John Dvorak and "Captain Crunch". Today, in addition to Charles Daney (co-developer of Personall REXX, and host for the WELL'S IBM PC Conference) I noticed Lucasfilms and also the SF Examiner. All of this should make for some pretty interesting discussions. For SLAC users, with the USENET/BITNET link, it is also possible to trivially send text files between SLACVM and the WELL. The system, which is BSD Unix running on a Vax 11/750, also supports Kermit and XMODEM for binary file transfer. If you want to set up an account under Visa or MasterCard, all you have to do is dial (415) 332-6106 and login as NEWUSER. If it doesn't answer the first time, keep trying. If you want to use direct billing instead of Mastercard/Visa, you can use a 'b' at the prompt where it asks you if you want to use Mastercard of Visa (i.e. use a 'b' instead of 'm' or 'v'). It is also possible to connect to the WELL, which is located in Sausalito, California, I believe, by means of a packet-switch connection setup under beta test. It was originally planned to make this beta test arrangement expire sometime in February; it is still available as of this writing. The following is the text of the WELL announcement describing the packet-switch service: 'The WELL has entered into a beta test agreement with Pacific Telephone, which will allow WELL users in the Bay Area to reach us at no phone charge for the next 90 days or so. From most areas in 408 and from all areas in 415, the procedure is as follows (we hope to get PacTel to simplify these procedures soon): 1. With your modem, dial 440-1444. 2. When you get a high-pitched tone, type <cr> . <cr> --repeat this until you get something that looks like PPS*NET 495 332 2123 3. Then type the following ten digit number, very carefully, because you won't be able to see what you're typing: 495 461 1199 (type it with no spaces) 4. Then press <cr> and you'll be at the usual login: prompt. Let us know how it works ... send mail to mmc to report.' The following are the names of some of some of the active conferences: ADS GARDENING PACKET AI GAY PEACE APPLE GENERAL PHILOSOPHY ARCHITECTS GENERAL_TECHNICS PHOTOGRAPHY ARI HACKERS POINT ATARI HEADS POLITICS AVIATION_SPACE HELLONU POTHOLES BACKSTAGE HELP POWERUSERS BIZ HOSTS PROGRAMMING BMUGSIG HUMAN_RESOURCES PSYCHOLOGIST_EDUCATORS BRIARPATCH IBMPC RCC CALENDAR IDEAS REMOPS CLASSIFIEDS INTECH SCIFI COMMODORE ISLAND SEXUALITY CORNERPUB JOKES SHAKERS CORP KAYPRO SPACE CPM LAPTOP SPIRITUALITY CRYSTAL LEGAL SPREADSHEETS CUPERTINO LIBERTY STOCKMARKET CURIOUS_QUESTIONS LIBRARY SYSOPS CURRENTS M-NET SYSPROG CURRENTS_IN_THE_WELL MACINTOSH TEI DATABASICS MANUAL TELECOMMUNICATING DESKTOP_PUBLISHING MARKETING TEST DISABILITY MEDICAL TRAVEL DRAWING MICROPRO TRS80 EARTHSTEWARDS MORROW UNIX EATING MOTHERING VIABLE EDUCATION MOVIE_REVIEWS VIDEODISC ENVIRONMENT MOW WESC2.0 EXAMINER MUSIC WHOLE_SYSTEMS_POLITICS FIDO NETWORK WOMEN_IN_TELECOM FREE_YOU NEWSLETTER WORD_PROCESSING FUN NOREN WOW GAMES ONEPERBIZ WRITERS GARAGE ONTHEAIR" I have no commercial interest in the WELL, and have offered this description merely from the point of view of an enthusiastic user.