Hi Fred, Today I have a question to you and all other participants of Info-PASCAL. It's quite specific. In addition to that I don't know whether this problem has already been solved anywhere in the world. Please send this file to all who are standing in the Info-PASCAL-Distribution-List and/or in the archieves. Thanks a lot in advance. >>>Lots of Easter eggs for you!!<<<<< Here's my text: The computer center of the University of Bonn (called RHRZ Bonn ) has an IBM/370 with VM/CMS as OS. Our IBM-PCs must also work as terminals. for FTPing from diskette to the CMS host. But our PCs have no IRMA cards and they have no AST-PCOX cards. And they have no other cards like this. The PCs are connected with a protocol converter by using a coaxial cable The protocol converter is the only alternative to be connected with the CMS host if we don't want to buy expensive cards like IRMA or AST-PCOX or others. The coaxial cable from the PC to the protocol converter uses the V.24 (RS232) of the PC. So I began to develop such a FTP program to solve this. Now we have several programs working with the V.24 . These programs are written in TURBO-PASCAL (V.3.01A) or in IBM-BASICA. But we have our problems in developing this FTP program: 1) Our BASICA program runs under the interpreter,but it is very slow. So I tried to compile it with the IBM BASIC COMPILER V.1.0 . First I got some error because of wrong handling (I forget the compiler options needed for communication). But now I get an error when compiling the program. Before I got the error when running the program. Now I had a look to my program. Then I only compiled the following line and got exactly the same error : 60 OPEN "com1:9600,e,7,1,pe" as #1 : '...any comment Three weeks ago I got the IBM BASIC COMPILER V.2.0 and then the same story. At the same time I got the QUICKBASIC COMPILER from MICROSOFT.There I got my problems when linking the necessary liberary for communica- tion. This is the BCOM10.LIB library. Can one help me in compiling this program. If you really know how to work with these @#&%*$ +! compilers please tell me that and you can get the whole program from me in order to try to compile it. But a a little warning : I'm not logged on all the days and nights. So I answer you some days later. 2) When writing our program in TURBO-PASCAL we found out that installing the BASICA line open"com1:9600,e,7,1,pe'"as#1 (port = COM1,9600 baud, 7 data bits 1 stop bits,parity even) in TURBO is not very easy.I know that one can do this by using MODE. But our program is written for people who are not experts in using computers. So we want that it is installed automatcally by our program. I know that one has to use the declaration cpureg = RECORD ax,bx,cx,dx,bp,si,ds,es,flags : INTEGER END; and that one has to set cpureg.dx := $0000; for COM1 and := $00A6; for 2400 baud,no parity,2 stop bits,7 data bits := $00E6; for 9600 baud,no parity,2 stop bits,7 data bits := $00FE; for 9600 baud, parity,2 stop bits,7 data bits But there are still unsolved problems when doing this. Did anyone al- ready write such a program and could this person help me ? Please send all information to : Thorsten Glattki +49 228 73-2747 <UZR500@DBNRHRZ1.BITNET> RHRZ Uni Bonn Zimmer 003 Wegelerstrasse 4 D-5300 Bonn 1 Federal Republic of Germany (West-Germany) Thanks a lot in advance. Thorsten