ctk@ecsvax.UUCP (Tim Kelley) (03/30/86)
I am looking to buy a laser printer to run PC-TEX with on an AT. The Apple Laserwriter looks good and is also compatable with various dream machines (Sun 3) that I might want to play with in the future. Is this what I should do? I'm told that there is a speed problem with using the Laserwriter with the AT but my source told me no details. Is this so? Are there better choices for this? Is the Corona laser printer that the PC-TEX people sell good stuff? Please respond my mail and I'll summarize for the net if there is any interest. -- C.T. Kelley decvax!mcnc!ecsvax!ctk Dept. of Math. N.C. State U. Box 8205 Raleigh, N.C. 27695-8205, 919-737-7895