[misc.jobs.resumes] Resume: applied mathematics, numerical analysis, multivariate stats

ruth@utstat.uucp (Ruth Croxford) (05/01/89)

This resume is being posted at the request of its author.  The contents are
his, the spelling mistakes or other glitches are mine.  Please reply to
the applicant.
Ruth Croxford


                         LEV NAKHAMCHIK

Address:            155 Antibes Drive, Apt. #707
                    Willowdale, Ontario M2R 3G7

Telephone:          416-663-2424

OBJECTIVE:          A position in which I can utilize  my  educa-
                    tion,  research  and  engineering  experience
                    that offers  opportunities  for  professional

AREA OF EXPERTISE:  Applied mathematics, numerical analysis, mul-
                    tivariate statistical methods, pattern recog-
                    nition, cluster analysis, information theory,
                    mathematical  methods  in Geology and Geophy-
                    sics, mathematical methods  in  Medicine  and


1980-1988           Geophysical Expedition Office,  Minsk,  USSR,
                    Senior Programmer.

                    Developed a number of mathematical models for
                    the  purposes  of direct methods of oil find-
                    ing.  These include:

                    *  Application of information theory  methods
                       to the finding of inhomogeneous properties
                       in  geophysical  and  geochemical  fields.
                       Application of the Kahrunen-Loeve decompo-
                       sition to filtration of geophysical fields

                    *  Application of the above mentioned methods
                       and  other  statistical methods to pattern
                       recognition and cluster analysis.

                    *  Developing practical technology  (programs
                       in FORTRAN, VM IBM-370).

Simultaneously:     Institute of Medicine, Minsk, USSR

                    *  Statistical   methods   and   mathematical
                       modelling in dentistry.

                    *  The pattern recognition methods and  clus-
                       ter analysis in Criminology.

                    Clinic for Learning  &  Developmental  Pedia-
                    trics, Minsk, USSR.

                    *  The multivariate  statistical  methods  in
                       medical data processing.

1971-1980           Geological  Prospecting  Research  Institute,
                    Minsk,   USSR;   Research  Assistant  in  the
                    Department of Mathematical Methods in Geology
                    and Geophysics.

                    Data Processing of Geophysical fields.

                    *  Statistical  methods  for  calculation  of
                       transformations of potential fields.

                    *  Multivariate statistical methods  in  pat-
                       tern  recognition  and cluster analysis of
                       geophysical and geological data.

                    *  Automateon of data processing  in  Geology
                       and Geophysics.

                    *  Developing  practical  technologies  (pro-
                       grams in FORTRAN, VSE, MTV IBM-370).

1970-1971           Laboratory of Electronics  (Academy  of  Sci-
                    ences of BSSR), Minsk, USSR; Engineer

                    *  Heat-transfer problems.

1969-1970           Public School, Rogacher district, USSR;
                    Teacher of Mathematics and Physics

EDUCATION:          B.S., M.S. in Physics,  1969  -  Byelorussian
                    State University, Minsk, USSR.

PERSONAL:           Married, one daughter.

REFERENCES:         Upon request.