MDAY@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU (Moderator, Mark S. Day) (12/02/87)
Soft-Eng Digest Tue, 1 Dec 87 Volume 3 : Issue 17 Today's Topics: Software Reusability Looking for CASE references (2 msgs) Teaching CASE Software Technology, Ergonomics, and EMACS Looking for Similar Systems Pascal to C Translation Program Design Language for C Needed Call for Papers, COMPASS '88 Call for Papers: Formal Techniques, Real-Time/Fault-Tolerant Systems IEEE Conference on Software Maintenance -- 1988 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 17 Nov 87 12:26 EST From: Subject: Software Reusability A study is about to begin here to understand what factors stop people from using someone else's software. References to previous studies and comments are most welcome. ------------------------------ Date: 7 Nov 87 21:25:35 GMT From: zodiac!krubin@cad.Berkeley.EDU (Kenny Rubin) Subject: Looking for CASE references I have a friend who is looking for references on the subject of CASE (Computer Aided Software Engineering). He is planing to do his undergraduate thesis on some aspect of CASE. If anyone knows of good books or papers on the subject, ranging from theory to implementation, please let me know.. Thanx in advance.. -- Kenny Kenneth S. Rubin (415) 941-3912 Advanced Decision Systems 201 San Antonio Circle, Suite 286 Mountain View, California 94040-1289 ARPANET: krubin@ADS.ARPA UUCP: !{akgua,allegra,amd,hplabs,ihnp4,seismo,ut-ngp}!gatech!gitpyr!krubin ------------------------------ Date: 10 Nov 87 12:42:25 GMT From: kodak! (dick gardner) Subject: Looking for CASE references Here are a few titles that serve as our CASE Bibles here: Structured Development for Real Time Systems Volume 1: Introduction & Tools by Paul Ward & Stephen Mellor Structured Development for Real Time Systems Volume 2: Essential Modeling Techniques by Paul Ward & Stephen Mellor Structured Development for Real Time Systems Volume 2: Implementation Modeling Techniques by Paul Ward & Stephen Mellor The Practical Guide to Structured Systems Design by Meiler Page-Jones Foreword by Ed Yourdon In addition, I would suggest looking for other books by these authors, since the are the acknowledged leaders in this field. Cadre Technologies makes a computer tool called Teamwork that makes use of these techniques on many platforms such as: Sun, VAX, PC, etc. Hope this information is helpful. Dick Gardner -- Eastman Kodak Co. Rochester, New York 14650 Phone: (716) 477-1002 UUCP: {allegra,rutgers}!rochester!kodak!gardner "Oh yeah?!? Well, MY computer is SOOOOO FAST, it executes an infinite loop in 6 seconds!!!" ------------------------------ Date: 25 Nov 87 16:34:26 GMT From: uh2@psuvm.bitnet (Lee Sailer) Subject: Teaching CASE Does anyone have ideas about *teaching* CASE in a small college environment. Here at Penn State Erie we have about 40 students in a two semester Analysis, Design, and Implementation course (Info Systems in a B school). Currently we use Excelerator on personal computers, and make do with 3 workstations. lee ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 09 Nov 87 18:14:38 -0500 From: dan@WILMA.BBN.COM Subject: Software Technology, Ergonomics, and EMACS I agree completely that programmers can learn from the ergonomics world, and even more from the broader field of human factors. But I wouldn't cite EMACS as an example of a program whose design was influenced by any kind of ergonomic or human factors analysis, as one contributor did. EMACS is inherently hard to learn, and difficult to use effectively once you do learn it unless you use it all the time. Its key bindings violate some basic rules about good user interface design. To name two: first, its many commands are not organized in a way that makes them easy to remember, so you need to use apropos, help, etc. to find them. Second, some commands which do drastic things to your buffer are only one or two keystrokes long and easily "found" accidentally; an unpleasant experience even with undo. The only rule about good user interfaces that EMACS follows is that common operations take a relatively small number of keystrokes. If you use EMACS all the time, as I do, it's very nice, but it is not an example of great human engineering. Rather, it's a good example of how much contempt most programmers, even (especially?) very good ones, have for user interface issues. It takes only a few hours, and no fancy computer programs, to analyze a program's user interface to figure out how well it will work and how to improve it; that time is hardly ever spent. This problem will not be solved by AI, expert systems, or any other new tool; it is the attitude that must change. Dan Franklin ------------------------------ Date: 19 Nov 87 16:56:00 GMT+109:13 From: <> Subject: Looking for Similar Systems 1. We're interested in knowing of examples of "real world" systems developed using commercially available expert system tools/shells, particularly those which have applicability to our present "CGADS" development, and any other information useful prior to our selecting a tool. Some preliminary background on our "CGADS" project is provided: 2. The Computer Generated Acquisition Document System (CGADS) is the USAF Electronic Systems Division (ESD) first-generation expert system which assists DOD program managers and engineers in creation of acquisition documents such as "Statements of Work" which become part of Government "Request For Proposals" (RFP's) for major DOD systems projects. CGADS, presently running on a VAX 8600, is used operationally by the USAF Electronic Systems Division, as well by a large number of other DOD acquisition agencies nationwide. CGADS is also used at the Air Force Institute of Technology to teach systems acquisition management. CGADS, used equally by experienced and inexperienced engineers, presents a series of yes/no questions, in areas such as software engineering, logistics, safety, manufacturing. Based on the engineer's choices, CGADS generates the proper "boiler-plate" text and MIL-STD references to form a draft Statement of Work. Since the system text and rules are updated periodically by experts who represent several dozen technical disciplines, the resulting document meets most requirements, and needs only minimum review. The system also allows newly assigned engineers, having only minimum training, to create draft acquisition documents. Since CGADS was first developed in 1981 exclusively in Fortran 77, and without using a database, it has become unnecessarily expensive to keep the text updated. Also, its structure lacks the flexibility for planned capabilities, such as producing the greatly varying system specifications for major DOD acquisition programs. 3. We plan to use an ORACLE database to improve the text storage, and to select a commercial expert system tool/shell to minimize development of an inference engine, and maintenance utility. Some examples of AI tools we may evaluate: Knowledge Engineering Environment (KEE), Intellicorp, Menlo Park, CA Knowledge Engineering System (KES), Software A&E, Arlington, VA The Intelligent Machine Model (TIMM), Gen Research, Santa Barbara, CA OPS5, Carnegie Mellon Univ, Pittsburgh, PA Expert, Rutgers Univ, New Brunswick, NJ S1 or M1, Teknowledge, Inc., Palo Alto, CA Automated Reasoning Tool (ART), Inference Corp, Los Angeles, CA 4. We'd be interested in knowing the type of application, the amount of programming that was required to "tailor" the commercial shell/tool for the application, and the amount of maintenance required. In addition to providing information on actual systems developed using commercial tools, we'd appreciate hearing any lessons learned, or recommendations both positive and negative that anyone is willing to share, even "horror stories" about developments that never made it, or products to avoid (if any). 5. Please answer on SOFT-ENG, or directly to SANTINO@ESDVAX.ARPA, or call Autovon 478-5316, or Commercial 617-377-5316. Thanks, Fred Santino Project Engineer USAF Electronic Systems Division (ESD/SCP) Hanscom AFB, MA 01731 ------------------------------ Date: 28 Nov 87 17:43:06 GMT From: tektronix!tekgen!puffin!dlu@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Doug Urner) Subject: Pascal to C Translation I am faced with the project of translating a large process control application from Pascal to C. As yet I don't have much more in the way of details of the application. I'd like to know if anyone has stories to tell and advice to offer. I'd also like to hear about any experience you might have with any of the automated translators that are floating around and/or offered for sale. Many thanks in advance, if you reply to me I'd be happy to summarize to the net if there is interest. Doug Urner ------------------------------ Date: 24 Nov 87 21:42:47 GMT From: hao!gatech! (Tom Fulton) Subject: Program Design Language for C Needed Needed: A program design language (PDL) for C. We are currently working on an Air Force contract and are to the program design language stage. The language we have chosen is C. What I need is a PDL which easily translates to C. (Not necessarily automatically, just one which mimics the C structure.) Please respond directly as I do not ordinarily read these groups. Thanks, -- Tom Fulton Georgia Tech Research Institute, SEL/DSD, Atlanta GA 30332 Internet: uucp: ...!{decvax,hplabs,ihnp4,linus,rutgers,seismo}!gatech!gtf ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 19 Nov 87 09:28:48 est From: (Frank Houston) Subject: Call for Papers, COMPASS '88 ******************************************************************************* CALL FOR PAPERS COMPASS '88 (Third Annual Computer Assurance Conference) * A man with cancer is killed because a computer tells a radiation therapy machine to administer a lethal dose. * A rocket on the way to Mars has to be destroyed because a crucial line is left out of the computer software controlling it. * A bank is forced to borrow $23.6 billion overnight because of a computer, and the government-securities market narrowly escapes disaster. * Workers are killed by computer controlled industrial robots. All of these disasters have happened, and their numbers are increasing year by year. COMPASS is an organization dedicated to finding ways of combatting this problem, and increasing Computer Assurance. The name "COMPASS" combines abbreviations of "COMPuter" and "ASSurance". What do we mean by computer assurance? One might define the term analytically by including process security, systems safety, software safety, reliability, quality control, testing, verification and validation, mathematics, physics, and various engineering disciplines. It is not, however, a simple combination of these. On the one hand, a system may be totally unreliable yet perfectly safe; on the other hand, a safe system may sometimes not be an appropriate goal. Furthermore, there are deep, unresolved philosophical questions about both immediate design goals of autonomous systems and more universal meta-goals apropos of dealing with the unexpected. What should these goals be and how do the design goals and the meta-goals interact? Help us explore computer assurance, define its boundaries, identify its issues, and realize its objectives. Submit an article or abstract for the 1988 conference. Abstracts of any length will be considered; complete papers are preferred. All submissions should be typed double spaced and single sided (draft form). Upon acceptance, IEEE kits for preparing camera ready copy will be sent. *************************************************************************** * Dates: 27 June -- 1 July '88 * Mail manuscripts, abstracts and * requests for information to: Location: Washington, D.C. * --------------- * General Chair: CDR Micheal Gehl, ONR * COMPASS '88 * P.O. Box 5314 Program Chair: Janet Dunham, RTI * Rockville, MD 20851 --------------- * Submissions due: 30 Jan 1988 * ( ) Submission ( ) Information * *************************************************************************** Submit abstracts electronically to Janet Dunham ( For more information contact Frank Houston ( Be sure to include your mailing address. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Nov 87 10:28:27 GMT From: Mathai Joseph <> Subject: Call for Papers: Formal Techniques, Real-Time/Fault-Tolerant Systems CALL FOR PAPERS Symposium on Formal Techniques in Real-time and Fault-tolerant Systems 22-23 September 1988 University of Warwick, U.K. This meeting is to bring together people working on formal techniques for the specification and verification of the properties of real-time and fault-tolerant systems. The Symposium will have some invited talks but will consist largely of technical sessions with contributed papers. **Papers (upto 20 pages) and extended abstracts are invited for the **Symposium: FOUR COPIES should be sent to the Programme Committee **Chairman before 15 JANUARY 1988. Papers will be refereed and authors **informed of the selection by mid-April. Camera-ready copies of selected **papers will be expected by 15 May 1988 for inclusion in the Proceedings. The Symposium will be held at the University of Warwick, Coventry, which is within easy reach of historic places in and around Coventry: Warwick, with its well-known medieval castle, Kenilworth, and Stratford-on-Avon. Programme Committee M. Joseph (Warwick), Chairman; G.R. Martin (Warwick); A. Mok (Texas); R. Reed (GEC Telecomm.); F.B. Schneider (Cornell); S. Shrivastava (Newcastle); W.-P. de Roever (Eindhoven). Address for correspondence: Professor M. Joseph, Department of Computer Science, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, U.K. phone: +44 203 523193 telex: 31406 COVLIB G email uucp ...!ukc!warwick!conf bitnet janet darpa ------------------------------ Date: 1 December 1987, 17:03:38 EST From: Thomas Corbi <> Subject: IEEE Conference on Software Maintenance -- 1988 *** CALL FOR PAPERS *** CALL FOR PAPERS *** CALL FOR PAPERS *** The CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE-1988 October 24-27, 1988 Phoenix, Arizona The Conference on Software Maintenance--1988 (CSM-88) will gather managers, developers, maintainers, and researchers, to discuss new solutions to the continuing challenge of software maintenance and software maintainability. Making a Difference: Improving the Product By Improving the Process -------------------- --------- --- ------- -- --------- --- ------- CSM-88 will focus on the processes that impact software maintenance. CSM-88 seeks papers which clearly indicate advances in the field of software maintenance; the time frame for achieving those advances; and any evidence suggesting that advances can in fact be realized. Papers which indicate paths that should not be followed, along with evidence supporting these conclusions, are also solicited. SPONSORS: - Computer Society of IEEE-- Technical Committee on Software Engineering* - The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. - Data Processing Management Association (DPMA) - National Bureau of Standards (NBS)* IN COOPERATION WITH: - ACM/SIGSOFT-- Special Interest Group on Software Engineers* - Association for Women in Computing (AWC)* - Software Maintenance Association (SMA)* __________ * Previous sponsors. CSM-88 sponsorship requested. SCOPE and PURPOSE ================= Software Maintenance is the enhancement, restructuring and correction of software in production use. CSM-88 will provide a forum for discussing software maintenance, distilling current experiences, and highlighting promising approaches, through presentations of refereed papers, panel sessions, tutorials, informal meetings, and tool demonstrations. CSM-88 will acquaint managers and practitioners with current advances and researchers with current needs. The conference is open to all who are involved with or have an interest in software maintenance: professionals and researchers, from industry, government, and academia. IMPORTANT DATES =============== Submission Deadline: February 1, 1988 Acceptance Notification: April 11, 1988 Final Version: May 30, 1988 SUBMISSION INFORMATION ====================== Papers: (5 copies, double spaced) Papers should be 1000-5000 words in length. Papers must not have been published or submitted elsewhere for publication. The cover letter must include: title and maximum 250 word abstract only. The first page must include title, all authors' names, complete mailing addresses, and telephone numbers. If the paper is accepted, one of the authors is expected to present the paper at CSM-88. Panel Session Proposals: (5 copies) Panel session proposals must include: name of the panel session organizer, mailing address, and telephone number, panel topics, significance for CSM-88, and a list of 4-5 panelists. Panelists must have agreed to participate prior to submission of the panel session proposal. SUBMIT PAPERS AND PANEL SESSION PROPOSALS TO WILMA M. OSBORNE AT HER ADDRESS BELOW. Vendor Proposals: Send for information from Robert Arnold at his address below. Tutorial Lecturers: Send for information from Wilma Osborne at her address below. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE ==================== IMMEDIATE PAST GENERAL CHAIR PROGRAM CHAIR GENERAL CHAIR ------------- ------------- -------------- Robert Arnold Wilma M. Osborne Roger J. Martin Software Productivity National Bureau of National Bureau of Consortium (SPC) Standards Standards 1880 Campus Commons Bldg. 225, Rm. B266 Bldg. 225, Rm. B266 Drive, North Gaithersburg, MD 20899 Gaithersburg, MD Reston, VA 22091 20899 20899 (703)-391-1898 (301)-975-3339 (301)-975-3295 SUGGESTED TOPICS ================ Paper and panel session proposals related to, but not limited to, the following topics are invited: - Software Maintenance Environments - Empirical Maintenance Studies - Software Maintenance Metrics - Maintenance of Ada(tm) Programs - Artificial Intelligence in - Software Reusability in Software Maintenance Maintenance - Configuration Management - Developing Maintainable Systems - Standards in Software Maintenance - Maintenance of Fourth - Software Maintenance Education Generation Programs - Acquisition of Software - Software Testing Maintenance Services - Impact of PDLs on Software - Restructuring/Reengineering Maintainability _________ (tm) Trademark of the U.S. Department of Defense ------------------------------ End of Soft-Eng Digest ****************************** -------