MDAY@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU ("Mark S. Day") (02/10/88)
Soft-Eng Digest Tue, 9 Feb 88 Volume 4 : Issue 6 Today's Topics: Free Upgrades and Bug Fixes -- A Policy Question (6 msgs) Offices versus Cubicles (2 msgs) Separating Parts of Development (2 msgs) Software Complexity Measures Will Never Be Accurate Software Science Counting Strategy Training Courses for Software Management ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 26 Jan 88 06:34:53 GMT From: (Bjorn Freeman-Benson) Subject: Free Upgrades and Bug Fixes -- A Policy Question What is the consensus about software vendors offering free upgrades and bug fixes? It seems to me that other industries have always charged for upgrades, especially in a consumer environment. For example, dish washers are not upgraded each year for free -- if you want a bug fix, you buy a new one. Now I agree that the analogy is not perfect, but the software industry is moving from small numbers of individually built programs to large numbers of mass produced programs, and thus we are moving towards software as a consumer item. If one were to say "buy the upgrades", then the engineering issues of quality and relability would become even more relevant. Furthermore, the usual practice of only supporting (in the training sense) the latest release, would be hard to justify. Comments? Bjorn N. Freeman-Benson ------------------------------ Date: 26 Jan 88 19:57:25 GMT From: (Rion Cassidy) Subject: Free Upgrades and Bug Fixes -- A Policy Question Upgrades and bug fixes are not the same thing and should not be lumped together like this; if you are going to make analogies, seperate them and make individual analogies. Lots of retail products have been subject to recalls. This is usually when the manufacturer just plain blew it and made something dangerous or extremely defective. I would equate this to bug fixes and note that the consumer virtually never has to pay anything during a recall. Since this column is software engineering, let me just say that if software was being developed properly, there wouldn't be obvious bugs that need fixing in the first place!!! As to free upgrades, I own and use a fair number of different software products and have never heard of totally free upgrades; only when we have been a beta test site have we even come close to getting any "free" software. Other upgrades we've gotten come from having a maintenance agreement with the vendor (which costs!!). Rion Cassidy Ford Aerospace ...{sgi,sun,ucbvax}!wdl1!rion ------------------------------ Date: 27 Jan 88 13:53:19 GMT From: mtune!whuts!homxb!houxs! (J.BEYER) Subject: Free Upgrades and Bug Fixes -- A Policy Question Of course manufacturers of inferior products such as automobiles may be forced to distribute bug fixes -- often called recalls -- and be sued for various liabilities ... . ------------------------------ Date: 27 Jan 88 11:19:56 GMT From: xanth!kent@AMES.ARC.NASA.GOV (Kent Paul Dolan) Subject: Free Upgrades and Bug Fixes -- A Policy Question First, if you buy a washing machine, and the door falls off in the first ten days of use, you call the vendor, and get it fixed under a "warranty", usually in a day or two, if the vendor plans to stay in business. However, software vendors are scared witless about giving warranties, because of something called "consequential damages". Also, (I've done this task) fixing up a broken piece of code is rarely an operation you'd like to guarantee to do in a couple of days. Instead, when the compiler you just bought can't compile a null program ("the door falls off..."), you call the vendor, it gets added to a long queue of things to fix, and, usually months later, you get an "upgrade". Sometimes it is really an upgrade, but most of the time, it is just somebody "putting the door back on" in such a way that it won't fall off when you use it. So, your "free" upgrade is just a little scam that you and the vendor agree upon, to replace the much too dangerous (to the venor) "warranty", while still getting things fixed, sometimes. If "software engineering" were yet a science, and programming could produce reliable, workable products at reasonable costs, this scam would not be tolerated. However, with the demand for software far outstripping the ability to produce it, and the reluctance of the buyers to pay the true cost, in time and money, of producing reliable software, we programmers continue to rebuild our bridges each time they tumble into the torrent, and call our efforts "engineering". What a terrible devaluation of a word! Software engineering - it CAN happen in our lifetime! Kent, the man from xanth. I code reactor power plant control in C. I add "count_of_recent_alarms" to "count_of_rods_to_lift". C has weak type checking; the compiler doesn't notice. A major coolant valve sticks, a spate of alarms occur. All die. Oh, the embarrassment! ------------------------------ Date: 28 Jan 88 15:45:12 GMT From: uflorida!codas!usfvax2!pdn! (George W. Leach) Subject: Free Upgrades and Bug Fixes -- A Policy Question (Bjorn Freeman-Benson) writes: >What is the consensus about software vendors offering free upgrades >and bug fixes? Well, I would say that depends upon the nature of the release. Often the next release or upgrade of a software product contains a blend of bug fixes and new features. In some cases, those bug fixes are esential both to the end customer, and to the viability of the vendor in the eyes of their customers. The features are nice to have and are probably viewed by the vendor as essential to keep their customer base from going with a product from the competition. Another problem from the vendor's view point is supporting multiple versions of a product. In the ideal case a vendor would like all of their customers to be working with the latest release, so that there is no need to support older releases. However, if the vendor is going to charge for the upgrade, this may keep many from taking it. Software is a funny commodity. We are constantly trying to draw comparisons with other industries/products in terms of engineering, production, support, etc.... But it is fundamentally quite different from all other products and processes. It deserves it's own approach, but don't ask me how. -- George W. Leach Paradyne Corporation {gatech,rutgers,attmail}!codas!pdn!reggie Mail stop LF-207 Phone: (813) 530-2376 P.O. Box 2826 Largo, FL 34649-2826 ------------------------------ Date: 28 Jan 88 15:10:00 GMT From: netsys!killer!ninja!sys1!trsvax! Subject: Free Upgrades and Bug Fixes -- A Policy Question I don't think the analogy applies too well. If I buy a dishwasher which malfunctions due to manufacturer error, I expect the manufacturer to cover the cost of repairing or replacing the product. By analogy, a software vendor should cover the cost for replacing software which fails to perform its specified function, i.e. "The program crashed when I tried to ...." However, if software comes out which adds functionality rather than fixes bugs, I see no reason why the vendor could not justify charging the full rate to owners of previous versions. I am not a software vendor myself, so I make no claims about the analogy holding up, in fact I find practices in software quite different from what one would expect in other industries. Don Subt Tandy Corp. ------------------------------ Date: 21 Jan 88 14:58:55 GMT From: hao!noao!mcdsun!sunburn!gtx! (0732) Subject: Offices versus Cubicles reggie@pdn.UUCP (George W. Leach) writes: > > Is anyone aware of any empirical studies or experiments to determine >the impact upon programmer productivity (or any related field) of providing >offices with walls and doors and as opposed to cubicles? > > I agree, cubicles provide a terrible environment for the kind of concentration needed for programming. In the September 1987 issue of COMPUTER, Barry Boehm, in an article entitled "Improving Software Productivity", cites two studies that show that "Private Offices" have provided "productivity gains" of 11% and 8%. You'd have to check the references (the book "Programming Productivity" by T.C Jones, and the article "A Software Development Environment for Improving Productivity" by Boehm et al, COMPUTER v.17 no.6 June 1984 pp 30-44) to see exactly what the studies mean by "Private Offices" and what they are being compared to. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Alan Filipski, GTX Corp, 2501 W. Dunlap, Phoenix, Arizona 85021, USA | | {ihnp4,cbosgd,decvax,hplabs,seismo}!sun!sunburn!gtx!al (602)870-1696 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: 27 Jan 88 16:59:04 GMT From: trwrb!aero!polack@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Alexander J. Polack) Subject: Offices versus Cubicles I think in 1981 TRW conducted a study that demonstrated 40% productivity improvement when the working environment is properly setup. Part of the setup was providing individual offices to the software engineers. Now, not all of the improvement came from the "individual office" setup, but it did help. For better details you should contact Dr. Barry Boehm at TRW. - Alex Polack ------------------------------ Date: 25 Jan 88 14:48:07 GMT From: (franklin a davis) Subject: Separating Parts of Development > It seems more appropriate to divide the process into three sections -- > functionality, *algorithm*, and implementation. In the previous approaches, > the algorithm was not adequately serviced in either document, and was often > divided between the two. > > QUESTION: Does anyone know of an approach which *does* deal with each part > separately? I am hoping for material which is readily available (articles > or books which are well known) rather than commercial products or obscure > titles. See "Software Engineering Concepts" by Richard Fairley, McGraw Hill 1985. Dr. Fairley was chairman of the faculty at the now-defunct Wang Institute of Graduate Studies, School of Information Technology. The book includes discussion of various life-cycle models, as well as prototyping, planning, cost estimation, requirements definition, design, implementation issues, verification & validation, and maintenance. It is a good overview of the issues of software engineering, with good references for particular topics of interest. --Franklin ------------------------------ Date: 27 Jan 88 21:51:05 GMT From: hpcea!hpfcdc!hpesrgd! (Marc Clarke) Subject: Separating Parts of Development Try _Developing Structured Systems_, by Brian Dickinson, published by Yourdon Press, 1133 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York, 10036. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Jan 88 12:41:18 PST From: PAAAAAR%CALSTATE.BITNET@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Subject: Software Complexity Measures Will Never Be Accurate [Note: this message was truncated on the right. I have guessed at the missing pieces. --MSD] uh2@psuvm.bitnet (Lee Sailer) writes >[...]. In *today's* programming languages, there are too many >pieces of required knowledge that are not coded, so complexity measures >based on the code alone will be of limited accuracy. >This bring to my mind two developments in CS theory. >[...] >SPECIFICATION LANGUAGES: The ideal spec. lang. would lead to the user >making explicit all of the *unstated* assumptions about the process. >Furthermore, research is moving towards specification which can be executed >directly, omitting the coding step altogether. >Disclaimer: I am interested in these ideas, but unread. If this sounds >to you like something that someone has written, please send me the reference. You might like to look into the "International Workshops on Software Specificati[on] and Design". Most of the major and minor workers in specification and design contribute. They are sponsored by the IEEE, ACM SIGSOFT, the Alvey Directorate i[n England.] The IEEE Computer Society Press Publishes the "position papers" that are submitted. The chairs of the working groups publish summaries and conclusions in the "Software Engineering Notes" published monthly by the ACM Spe[cial Interest Group on Software Engineering.] Disclaimer: I am in favor of places where I publish things - like the above mentioned workshops and periodicals. Dick Botting PAAAAAR@CCS.CSUSCC.CALSTATE(doc-dick) paaaaar@calstate.bitnet PAAAAAR%CALSTATE.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU Dept Comp Sci., CSUSB, 5500 State Univ Pkway, San Bernardino CA 92407 voice:714-887-7368 modem:714-887-7365 -- Silicon Mountain "where smog of LA is blown away, and the sun shines bright all the day"! ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Jan 88 08:59:05 EST From: (James W. Howatt) Subject: Software Science Counting Strategy We're doing some work here on maintainability metrics. One of the ones we feel almost obligated to check out is Software science measures. The code we're looking at is avionics software written in Jovial J73. Does anyone out there know of a published counting strategy (the method of identifying operators and operands) for Jovial? Thanks in advance for your help. Jim Howatt ( [Those interested in software science should be aware of previous comments in Soft-Eng pointing to published evidence that software science is no more effective as a metric than counting lines of code. -- MSD ] ------------------------------ Date: 25 Jan 88 11:12:15 GMT From: mcvax!oce-rd1! (Hans Cuppen) Subject: Training Courses for Software Management Since I am employed in management software projects, I would be interested to receive addresses of institutes, where training courses for managing software projects are organized. I am mainly interested in: - Managing and / or controlling software projects - Configuration management _ Quality assurance Thanks in advance Please send your reaction to: J.Cuppen Horatiuslaan 25 5926 SJ VENLO The Netherlands or by electronic mail: or {...,uunet}!mcvax!oce-rd1!cup ------------------------------ End of Soft-Eng Digest ****************************** -------