[comp.software-eng] Soft-Eng Digest V4 #11

MDAY@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU (Moderator, Mark S. Day) (02/25/88)

Soft-Eng Digest             Wed, 24 Feb 88       Volume 4 : Issue  11

Today's Topics:
         ECMA TC-33 Portable Common Tools Environment (2 msgs)


Date: 16 Feb 88 03:05:00 GMT
From: casee.dec.com!wyman@decwrl.dec.com  (Bob Wyman)
Subject: ECMA TC-33 Portable Common Tools Environment

	This posting and the one that follows contain the minutes of the 
recent ECMA (European Computer Manufacturers Association) TC-33 inaugural
meeting. TC-33 has been formed "to standardize a common tool interface,
implementable on a wide range of operating environments, to ensure a suitable
foundation for portable, interoperable computer assisted systems engineering
tools and tool sets." Thus, I felt these minutes would be appropriate for the
comp.software-eng discussion. 

Copies of the PCTE Interface specifications can be obtained from:

    Werner Wohlschlegel
    Commission of the European Communities 
    Rue De La Loi 200
    B-1049 BRUSSELS

	You should be aware that there are two versions of the specification
currently available. The C language bindings and the Ada language bindings.
Be sure to specify which bindings you want or ask for both. (Frankly, the
Ada version is much, much easier to read...)

	It is my intention to keep sending copies of the minutes of TC33
to the comp.software-eng group. However, if you want more detailed information,
you could ask the ECMA secretariat to put you on the interest list for TC33.
If you want to do this, contact:

	C. Brockway, Secretary TC33
	ECMA Headquarters
	Rue du Rhone 114

	Telex: 22.288
	Phone: +41 22 35.36.34
	Fax: +41 22 86.52.31

The documents being posted are:

	ECMA/TC33/88/8	Proposed Revised Terms of Reference of TC33
	ECMA/TC33/88/10 Terms of Reference of the TC33 Ad-hoc Group on
			 Reference Model - Preliminary Tasks
	ECMA/TC33/88/11 Minutes of TC33 1st Meeting
	ECMA/TC33/88/12 Proposed Agenda, TC33 2nd Meeting, 28-29 March 1988

	Note: The machine readable versions of these documents were prepared
by the ECMA secretariat and have only been reformatted by me to remove various
control characters. I am not in any way responsible for the contents of
these documents.

		bob wyman
		Digital Equipment Corporation
		Valbonne, France

[ Portions of the Minutes (ECMA/TC33/88/11) have been deleted in the
  interest of brevity. All such editing is indicated by [square brackets].  
  --MSD ]


							ECMA / TC33 / 88 / 8
                                  E  C  M  A
                European  Computer  Manufacturers  Association
                 Proposed Revised Terms of Reference of TC33
           Prepared by TC33 1st Meeting, Geneva, 1-2 February 1988

The Scope and Programme of Work of TC33 as they appear in document
TC33/88/1 and in the 1988 Edition of the ECMA Memento were reassessed by
TC33 at its 1st Meeting, held 1-2 February 1988 in Geneva. The revised Scope
and Programme of Work, shown overpage, incorporate a number of changes for
clarification and editorial purposes, and also reflect shifts in importance
attached by TC33-represented Member Companies to the various aspects of the
work in which TC33 intends to engage. Pending approval by the Coordinating
Committee, TC33 is proceeding on the basis of the terms of reference thus

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

SCOPE:	To standardize a common tool interface, implementable on a wide 
	range of operating environments, to ensure a suitable foundation for 
	portable, interoperable computer assisted systems engineering tools 
	and tool sets.
1.	To define a layered reference model for computer assisted systems 
	engineering environments that will support the incremental 
	definition and evolution of interface standards.
2.	To position PCTE 1.4 (see Note) within that reference model.
3.	To develop interface standards for the layers of the reference model, 
	taking PCTE 1.4 (see Note) as a starting point.
4.	To maintain liaison with TC22 and with TC32-TG2.
5.	To maintain liaison with the PCTE Interface Management Board (PIMB) 
	and its technical group - the PCTE Interface Control Group (PICG), 
	with DG XIII of the Commission of the European Communities, with the 
	PCTE+ programme of Technical Area 13 of the Independent European 
	Programme Group (IEPG TA13), and with the German PCTE Initiative.
6.	To identify and position complementary standards and standards 
	activities relevant to the reference model, and to maintain liaison 
	with those standards organizations responsible for their maintenance.
7.	To develop interface standards for the lowest layer of the reference 
	model first and in the shortest possible time, while taking into 
	account the requirements and specification efforts already underway 
	as noted in item 5.
8.	To prepare standards in a form acceptable for submission via ECMA to 
9.	To present the standards ultimately as an abstract specification with 
	separate language bindings.

Note: PCTE 1.4: the Portable Common Tool Environment Functional 
	Specifications, Fourth edition, currently managed by the PCTE 
	Interface Management Board (PIMB).

							ECMA / TC33 / 88 / 10

	       	           E  C  M  A 

	   European  Computer  Manufacturers  Association

	   Terms of Reference of the TC33 Ad-hoc Group on
	         Reference Model - Preliminary Tasks

        Prepared by TC33 1st Meeting, Geneva, 1-2 February 1988


1.	To propose a statement of the scope and requirements for the 
	reference model.

2.	To identify existing studies in this area and formulate a view of 
	their respective relevance (to include, but not necessarily limited 
	to, the candidate work listed below, for which the appropriate 
	Companies or Organizations, and key contact persons are also shown):

		ALMA	(University of Namur,  M. Lamswearde)
		EAST	(SFGL,  J.P. Bourguignon)
       		ECLIPSE	(SSL,  A. Elliston)
		ESF	(ICL,  R.E.Thomas)
      		ISF	(GEC,  G.Oddy)
		ISTAR	(V. Stenning)
       		PACT	(GIE,  I.Thomas)
		SFINX	(SFGL,  M.Picard)
		VIP	(Praxis,  M. Jackson)    

3.	If considered appropriate, to propose terms of reference for a TC33 
	Task Group to develop the reference model.

4.	To propose a realistic schedule and resource plan.

5.	To present a status report at the 28-29 March 1988 Meeting of TC33 on 
	the progress achieved by the Ad-hoc Group and the conclusions reached.

		Dr. R. Crispin (Hewlett-Packard)
		Mr. H. Davis (ICL)
		Mr. R. Wyman (DEC) (Coordinator)

							ECMA / TC33 / 88 / 12

				E C M A

	      European  Computer  Manufacturers  Association

	    Proposed Agenda, TC33 2nd Meeting, 28-29 March 1988

	The 2nd Meeting of TC33 will be held during 28-29 March 1988, 
	in the region of Nice, France, by kind invitation of Digital 
	Equipment, beginning at 14:00 hours on 28 March and ending at 
	17:00 hours on 29 March. A Venue Notice, giving exact details 
	of the Meeting location, hotel reservation procedures, and 
	transportation recommended from and to Nice international airport, 
	will be circulated shortly.

	Proposed Agenda
	(for each item, references to key documents of TC33 and persons 
	 initiating are shown)

	1.	Adoption of Agenda (88/12, Mr.Morron)
	2.	Approval of Minutes TC33 1st Meeting (88/11, Mr.Brockway)
	3.	Matters Arising from the Minutes not covered elsewhere (88/11, 
	4.	Report from PIMB (Mr.Morron)
	5.	Report from PICG (88/5, 88/4, Mr.Kelter)
	6.	Report from TC33 Ad-hoc Group (88/10, Mr.Wyman)
	7.	Review of programme of work (88/8, Mr.Morron)
	8.	Review of roadmap and timeframe (88/9, 88/5, Mr.Morron)
	9.	Interface and division of responsibilities between PIMB and 
		TC33 (Dr.Crispin)
	10.	TC33 roles and liaisons (88/8, 88/7, Mr.Morron)
	11.	Conformance requirements (Mr.Davis)
	12.	Document handling issues (Mr.Kelter)
	13.	Chairman's Report to Coordinating Committee (Mr.Morron)
	14.	Other Business (Mr.Morron)
	15.	Next Meetings (Mr.Morron)

Date: 16 Feb 88 03:22:00 GMT
From: casee.dec.com!wyman@decwrl.dec.com  (Bob Wyman)
Subject: ECMA TC-33 Portable Common Tools Environment

This is the second of two postings containing the minutes of the recent
ECMA TC33 inaugural meeting.

		bob wyman

						ECMA / TC33 / 88 / 11

			E  C  M  A
       European  Computer  Manufacturers  Association

		Minutes of TC33 1st Meeting
		 Geneva, 1-2 February 1988

	Chairman	:	Mr. Morron (ICL)
	Secretary	:	Mr. Brockway (ECMA)
	In attendance	:	Dr.Bologna (Olivetti), Dr.Crispin 
				(Hewlett-Packard), Messrs.Davis (ICL),  
				Frost (British Telecom),  Harvey (ALCATEL),  
				Hekimi (SG ECMA),  Jeanrond (Nixdorf),  
				Kelter (Universitt Dortmund),  MacDonald
				(UNISYS),  Minot (Bull),  Mittermaier (Siemens,
				Myrn (Televerket -Swedish Telecommunications 
				Administration),  Nielsen (DDC - Dansk 
				Datamatik Center),  Smedema (Philips),  
				Steenput (BIM),  Prof. Dr. Weber (Universitat 
				Dortmund),  Wyman (DEC)

	Excused	:	Messrs. Moreau (BIM), Thomas (Bull)
	Absent	:	Mr. Hayselden (Software Sciences Ltd)

1.Welcome by the Secretary General

ECMA Secretary General Mr.Hekimi welcomed participants to this 
inaugural Meeting of TC33; participants introduced themselves.

2.Adoption of Agenda


3.Presentation by the Secretary General of the working methods of ECMA 

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Secretariat Note: For readability, in these Minutes TC33 documents are 
referenced in an abbreviated notation whereby ECMA/TC33/88/n is shown 
as 88/n.

4.Identification and distribution of documents

The scope and terms of reference (ToR) of TC33 as prepared by the CC 
were noted (88/1), Mr.Hekimi adding that they are of course open to 
refinement by the technical experts present (subsequently revised, 
see item 5 below, and 88/8). PCTE Functional Specifications 1.4, 
volumes 1 and 2, were also made available to participants. 

A number of specifications, and background and requirements documents, 
were listed:

Background:	Requirements:		Specifications:	 Other:
RAC   		EURAC			PCTE 1.4	 PICG Guide
CAIS (1838)	N-RAC 	     		PCTE ADA 1.0
		The German Initiative	VDM (yet to appear)
		RAC Rationale   	PCTE+ (yet to appear)

For circulation within TC33, participants agreed to forward relevant 
documents to the Secretariat. It was recognized that documents that 
are both voluminous and readily available to members of the PIMB or 
the PICG will receive an appropriately narrower TC33 circulation. The 
Secretary pointed out that papers circulated by the Secretariat become 
public domain documents.

The Secretary was actioned [sic] to ascertain the availability of the VDM
specification from the CEC. Prof.Dr.Weber kindly agreed to provide the
Secretariat with an index of documents of potential relevance to the work
of TC33.

Other documents were made available: Requirements for enhancement of 
PCTE/OMS - the German PCTE Initiative, December 1987 (88/3), Guide for 
the submission of PCTE comments to the PICG, Mr.Kelter, January 1988 
(88/4), and the schedule of PICG work (88/5). Documents 88/3 and 88/4 
were not considered during the present Meeting; document 88/5 was 
considered under item 8 below.


5.Review and revision of the scope and terms of reference of TC33

The scope and ToR as prepared by the CC and dated January 1988 were 
reassessed in detail (88/1), and a revised version agreed upon (88/8). 
In reviewing these ToR, Mr.Hekimi recalled to participants that the 
creation of an ECMA standard based on PCTE Functional Specifications 
1.4 is seen as a necessary first step, which needs to be achieved 
rapidly, and which could then lead on to further steps if and as 
required. A number of participants questioned the value of a routine 
ECMA endorsement of PCTE 1.4 (applying only editorial changes and 
clarifications) and expressed the view that, in its scope and ToR, 
TC33 should focus effort beyond the PCTE 1.4 exercise. It was equally 
appreciated that publishing a first ECMA standard only when PCTE+ 
activities have reached maturity would represent an unacceptably long 

6.Future liaison with ECMA TC22 and TC32-TG2

The scope and terms of reference of TC22 (Database) and TC32-TG2 
(Communication, Networks and Systems Interconnection - Distributed 
Interactive Processing) were briefly introduced (88/7). As a first 
step it was agreed that TC33 participants will seek to identify 
precise areas of liaison with TC22 and TC32-TG2 by internal discussion
within their own Companies with their representatives to these groups.
In this way, the subject will be addressed more specifically at the 
next Meeting. In the meantime, copies of the TC33 ToR (88/8), Minutes 
(88/11) and Agenda for the next Meeting (88/12) will be sent to the 
Chairmen of TC22 (Dr.Lamersdorf, IBM) and TC32 (Mr.von Studnitz, 
Philips) and to the Convenor of TC32-TG2 (Mr.Brenner, ICL).

7.Future submission of ECMA standards to ISO
With one of the objectives of TC33 being to launch its future PCTE 
standards into ISO, utilizing the fast-track procedure, the importance
was recognized in ascertaining at an early stage whether a language-
dependent ECMA standard or standards (for example C- or ADA- dependent)
would be acceptable to ISO. Consulted outside the Meeting, Mr.Hekimi 
opined that language-dependent ECMA PCTE standards would present no 
formal problem for acceptance by ISO.

It was unclear to which ISO/IEC JTC1 subcommittee the work on PCTE 
would pertain, the likelihood being that none of the presently existing
SCs cover PCTE in scope. It was recognized that at an appropriate 
future point in time TC33 should contribute a proposal to ISO for the 
creation of a suitable new work item.

On both the above points the ECMA Secretariat will investigate the 
present situation within ISO/IEC JTC1 and report at the next Meeting.

8.Introduction of schedule of PICG work

The latest available schedule of PICG work was introduced by Mr.Kelter
(88/5). For identification, the document was given a 2 February 1988 
date. For ease of discussion it was agreed to refer to the mid-year 
1988 PCTE output as 1.5 and the November 1988 output as 1.6. Mr.Kelter
indicated that 1.5 is intended to remove as many as possible of the 
difficulties identified by mid-1988, and for which a commentary 
procedure operates within the PICG (88/4 refers), whereas more 
substantial changes would be incorporated only within 1.6, or later in
time. Mr.Kelter agreed to report on PICG developments on an ongoing 
basis at future TC33 Meetings.

Dr.Crispin pointed out that the dates shown for 1.5 and 1.6 refer 
to output from the PICG and that for each date a further two months 
could elapse before these outputs gain PIMB approval. This point was 
recognized, it being understood that in any event TC33 will be 
monitoring the PICG work schedule and forwarding any concerns with 
regard to a timeframe that appeared to be moving unfavourably.
9.TC33 work planning and timing

Although a proposal from Mr.Davis (88/6) was not formally considered, 
its content was taken up in discussion.

Taking into account the current schedule of PICG work (88/5), an 
overall roadmap and timeframe for TC33 was elaborated (88/9). 
Looking to the dates of ECMA General Assemblies in 1988 and 1989, 
a February 1989 deadline was identified for completion of a Final 
Draft for a first ECMA PCTE standard and the achievement of a 
consensus within TC33. The planning (88/9) will be updated at
each TC33 Meeting.

Discussion of conformance requirements and a preliminary look at 
conformance testing was deferred to the next Meeting.
The Chairman proposed that TC33 work be envisaged as proceeding 
within two future Task Groups, one to pursue work on the definition 
of a layered reference model and the other, starting its work later, 
to progress the development of interface standards for the lowest 
layer of the model. In proposing a reference model, the importance 
was recognized of taking into consideration input from other relevant 
ESPRIT projects. Before establishing a Task Group to define a reference
model it was seen that certain preparatory steps need to be taken, 
including establishing requirements for the model, and assessing the 
relevance of existing work in this area. Accordingly, it was agreed 
to create a small Ad-hoc Group to address these tasks prior to the next
TC33 Meeting.

10.Creation of TC33 Ad-hoc Group to address preliminary tasks

An Ad-hoc Group was mandated to pursue studies prerequisite to the 
establishment of a TC33 Task Group to work on the definition of a 
reference model. Terms of reference for this Ad-hoc Group were prepared
and agreed (88/10). In addition relevant existing work in this area, as
well as points of contact, were identified (88/10). For efficiency it 
was agreed to	restrict the size of the group to a maximum of three 
persons. Dr.Crispin,Mr.Davis, and Mr.Wyman agreed to constitute the 
group, which will meet prior to the next TC33 Meeting, and Mr.Wyman 
agreed to coordinate its report to TC33.

11.Liaison with PIMB and PICG
It was agreed that TC33 liaison will formally be with the PIMB,
although informal links will remain with the PICG due to a degree of 
common membership with TC33.

Mr.Morron was actioned [sic] to raise at the next PIMB Meeting:

(i)  questions as to the exact status of ADA work and the intentions 
     of the CEC in this regard, and

(ii) a proposal, for addressing to the CEC, indicating the desirability
of rewriting the C-specifications in the style and quality of the
ADA-specifications, and requesting allocation of the necessary 

It was recognized that the division of responsibilities between the 
PIMB, PICG and TC33 needs to be addressed in both PIMB and TC33. This 
item was therefore included in the Agenda for the next TC33 Meeting 
(88/12). Dr.Crispin agreed that Mr.Taylor of his Company will raise 
the subject at the next PIMB Meeting.

The PIMB will next meet on 9 March, and 6 May 1988. Mr.Morron agreed to
provide the ECMA Secretariat with lists of the memberships of the PIMB
and the PICG.

12.Overview of Secretariat equipment and document handling procedures

Mr.Brockway briefly described the hardware and software used within 
the Secretariat, and relevant to document interchange in the context 
of TC33 work, and new material envisaged for acquisition during 1988.
Plans for the Secretariat to become a member of EuroKom are at an 
advanced stage (GA/87/45 refers); implementation is envisaged in the 
course of 1988, depending on the experience of a pilot scheme already 
operational within one ECMA Task Group. Mr.Brockway indicated that 
the participants of TC33 may of course choose to use the EuroKom 
services to aid their own work, but proposed that adoption of EuroKom
as a regular method of work of TC33 be addressed within a wider context.

Mr.Brockway also referred to the guidelines offered by the ECMA General
Assembly for editing, recording and exchanging drafts of ECMA Standards
and TRs (GA/86/21); these guidelines are being circulated within TC33.

13.Date and location of next Meetings

[2nd meeting info... see agenda, earlier in this digest]

The 3rd Meeting of TC33 is provisionally scheduled for 24-25 May 1988,
in Geneva, from 14:00 hours on 24 May until 17:00 hours on 25 May. The 
date and timing will be confirmed at the 2nd Meeting.

14.Other business

(i) PCTE specifications on-line
In view of ongoing and non-trivial revisional work on the PCTE 
specifications and the potential for realizing on-line access in the 
near future, it was agreed that the PICG will continue to maintain 
these specifications on the present host computer. The Meeting 
encouraged the PICG to bring the specifications on-line as soon as is 

(ii)Member Company representation in TC33

In addition to ECMA Member Companies represented at the present
Meeting, it was recalled that IBM had expressed an intention to 
participate actively in the work of TC33, and that GEC had indicated 
potential participation. Responding to a question in this regard the 
Secretary reported that, to date, neither Company had followed up by 
announcing representatives to TC33.

It was noted with interest that Apollo Computer have recently submitted
an application for ECMA membership. The Secretary was asked to bring 
details of the formation of TC33 to their attention; documents 88/1 
through 88/12 will be forwarded to Apollo.



End of Soft-Eng Digest