[comp.software-eng] WANTED: ideas, methods and tools for automated tests of C,.. pgms

janne@log-hb.UUCP (Jan Skarvall) (08/25/88)

I need a way to make testing of software an easy task, so easy that I'll do
it every time before delivery of a software package and even after each
major change in that software. The software package can be written in C or
Ada, but that should not matter very much.

This, I am sure, has been done before by making use of Unix-make and possibly
also with other tools like SPMS (which uses make).

WANTED: 1) I would like to know if someone has put a little more thought in
           how to use make for this purpose.
        2) I also would like to know if there are more sophisticated tools
           existing or on the way.
        3) References to books, articles etc. on this topic.
        4) SPMS for Sun.
