[comp.software-eng] PDL Processor Wanted

marc@qtc.UUCP (Marc Frommer) (10/11/88)

I have been using Programming Design Languages (ie, pseudo-code) for the last
few years during the design phase and am interested if anyone knows of any
automated processors.  I would like the processor to take care of indenting on
printouts, compiling cross-reference lists of modules, hierarchical charts of
modules, etc. Any information regarding packages that execute on either UNIX
or VMS would be appreciated.

Marc Frommer
  Marc Frommer
  Quantitative Technology Corporation    ...seismo!vrdxhq!verdix!qtc!marc
  Beaverton, OR        (503) 626-3081       ...tektronix!sequent!qtc!marc

rar@nascom.UUCP (Alan Ramacher) (10/11/88)

In article <392@qtc.UUCP>, marc@qtc.UUCP (Marc Frommer) writes:
> I have been using Programming Design Languages (ie, pseudo-code) for the last
> few years during the design phase and am interested if anyone knows of any
> automated processors.  I would like the processor to take care of indenting on
> printouts, compiling cross-reference lists of modules, hierarchical charts of
> modules, etc. Any information regarding packages that execute on either UNIX
> or VMS would be appreciated.

Caine, Farber, Gordon, 1010 East Union St, Pasadena, CA 91106, (818) 449-3070,
have a product (PDL) that appears to fit your needs. I have used it several
years ago and found it usefull. Their literature would indicate that
the the product has continued to improve. Hope this helps.
Allan Ramacher

martin@umn-cs.CS.UMN.EDU (Johnny Martin) (10/12/88)

In article <392@qtc.UUCP> marc@qtc.UUCP (Marc Frommer) writes:
>I have been using Programming Design Languages (ie, pseudo-code) for the last
>few years during the design phase and am interested if anyone knows of any
>automated processors.  I would like the processor to take care of indenting on
>printouts, compiling cross-reference lists of modules, hierarchical charts of
>modules, etc. Any information regarding packages that execute on either UNIX
>or VMS would be appreciated.

Xinotech Research of Minneapolis sells a language independent structure
editor which supports multiple views of program/documentation/pseudo-code.
It is called the "Composer", and it supports a variety of programming and
a few specification languages (Ada, Cobol, Pascal, Modula-2, MSG, etc.)

The composer is loaded with nifty editing features, automatic indentation,
summary views, customized indentation schemes, full syntax checking, and
provides some fancy conversions (like Pascal --> Ada).  The composer also
runs on IBM-PC (and compatibles), Sun's, Apollo's, VAXes (VMS and Unix),
and some other machines which I can't remember.

If you're interrested, their address is,

        Xinotech Research, Inc.
        Technology Center, Suite 213
        1313 Fifth Street SE
        Minneapolis, MN  55414
        (612) 379 - 3844

Johnny Martin, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis