soft-eng@MITRE.ARPA (Alok Nigam) (01/29/89)
Software Engineering Digest Saturday, 28 Jan 1989 Volume 6 : Issue 3 Today's Topics: Question for COCOMO users Storing Dictionaries DEFT CASE tool Call for votes: comp.sw.components Software reliability conferences MCAE/CAD Software TRI-Ada 89 Call for papers AI & SE workshop Call for Papers Network Definition Language - ------------------------------------------------------------ Date: 17 Jan 89 22:01:48 GMT From: mcvax!ukc!!csvax1! (Donal O'Mahony - Organization: Computer Science Department, Trinity College Dublin Subject: Re: Question for COCOMO users >>: So far, so good - the difficulty come in the scheduling equation >> >>which of the following is TRUE? >> >>A) TDEV = 2.5(EFFORTnominal)**0.38 >>or >>B) TDEV = 2.5(EFFORTactual)**0.38 >> > I believe tha answer is A. This is from looking back on notes from the > same book (similar course I hope :-) ). The organic model in a few pages > back (pg 85 fig 6-5) shows the formula for MM as EFFORTnominal. Actually, the reason I was wondering, is that I have problems with both. If A is true, then it implies that the effort multipliers have no effect on the time taken to develop a system. In other words, even if you have the best possible programmers, use all modern programming practices, and all possible 'best approaches', it still takes the same time. If, on the other hand (B) is true, then it makes a nonsense of the method used to accelerate a project. For example, if you want to achieve 75% schedule compression, you want TDEVnew = 0.75 TDEVnominal, but you actually get TDEVnew = 0.75 (B) which may turn out to be schedule expansion instead! I don't suppose Barry Boehm is listening, to give the final word on this?? - ------------------------------ Date: 20 Jan 89 20:08:02 GMT From:! (Steve Kearns) Organization: Columbia University Department of Computer Science Subject: Storing Dictionaries I am looking for papers describing efficient storage schemes for Dictionaries, (such as would be used with a spelling checker.) I would appreciate any leads people could give me. - ------------------------------ Date: 18 Jan 89 16:10:42 GMT From: mcvax!ndosl!cc-krs! (Kim Lilliestierna) Organization: Defacto A/S Subject: DEFT CASE tool My company is considering to buy a case tool called DEFT from Deft inc. If anyone have had experience with this tool I would appreciate any comments that you might have. - ------------------------------ Date: 23 Jan 89 15:54:00 GMT From: hubcap! (Bill Wolfe) Organization: Clemson University, Clemson, SC Subject: Call for votes: comp.sw.components It is proposed that a new newsgroup be created, comp.sw.components. This newsgroup would facilitate discussions about software components and their design, implementation, and utilization. Also, this would be a place for reviews of component vendors and their products. To date, such discussions have occurred in comp.lang.ada and have been cross-posted to The new newsgroup is intended to permit comp.lang.ada to concentrate on issues related to the language itself. Although the definition of the newsgroup does not preclude the discussion of components written in languages other than Ada, it is anticipated that Ada will be the primary language used due to its powerful support for software components. However, other languages may come along in the future which provide even better support. Regardless of the language used, questions regarding component implementation strategies with respect to a particular language are expected to be posted here rather than in the newsgroup which discusses the language itself. Send your votes to; they will be collected for as long as they continue to arrive at a reasonably high rate, and the results will be summarized in news.groups. Bill Wolfe, - ------------------------------ Date: 23 Jan 89 21:22:12 GMT From: oravax! (Kambhampati Krishnamurty) Organization: Odyssey Research Associates, Ithaca NY Subject: Software reliability conferences I am looking for a list of conferences (at least a few) in the area of reliability (software and hardware). I would appreciate any related information. e-mail can be sent to me at - ------------------------------ Date: 24 Jan 89 01:59:02 GMT From:! (Mic Lacey) Organization: Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY Subject: MCAE/CAD Software I have been given the task of putting together a CAD system. At first (the first 6 to 9 months) it will be mainly used for drafting. After that I would like to be able to begin using the system to perform finite element analysis. In the future I would also like to be able to add features such as tool path generation an NC/CNC programing to this system. It is also important that I can easily generate several distinct but similar drawings from one model drawing (I beleive a common term for this is parametric design, but I haven't a clue to why it is called parametric design). I would like to start out with one or two workstations, and then be able to add more (2 to 5) within the next year and a half. I have an curently am looking at several mini and micro based systems, and I would appreciate any comments on any system (software and or hardware) that is availible. If you do have any information on the aprox. prices of the system you comment on I would apreciate that also. - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jan 89 15:34:15 EST From: John Foreman <jtf@SEI.CMU.EDU> Subject: TRI-Ada 89 Call for papers TRI-ADA '89 CALL FOR PAPERS Theme: Ada Technology in Context: Application, Development, and Deployment Date: 23-26 October 1989 Location: D. L. Lawrence Convention Center, Pittsburgh, Pa TRI-Ada '89 is a refereed conference. The following paragraphs outline the objectives of the conference and serve as instructions to interested authors. The second annual TRI-Ada conference will address fundamental principles and important innovations in the design, definition, and implementation of real-world applications using Ada. Papers emphasizing both theoretical and practical aspects are solicited, although papers describing actual systems using Ada are preferred. Papers must describe new ideas that have the potential to improve the understanding, implementation, management and acceptance of Ada and Ada support methodologies for practical applications. The following topics are especially targeted for this conference: - Pragmatic Experiences with - Software Build and Integra- Ada tion Approaches - Evaluating and Selecting - Portability Techniques and Compilers and Toolsets Issues - Overcoming Compiler and - Prototyping for Ada Ap- Toolset Limitations plications - Risk Reduction/Management - Business/Economic Issues Strategies - Post Deployment Software - Requirements for Standard Support Libraries - Ada Policy and Impact on - Metrics/Data Gathering for Procurement Ada Applications - System Reliability: - Design Issues and Ap- Security and Fault Toler- proaches ance - Systems Engineering - CM and Version Control - Hardware/Software Tradeoffs - Cost Estimation: FSED and Life Cycle - Testing Techniques - Results from Software Reuse - Results from Education and Training Efforts Authors should submit 10 copies of a technical summary no later than 15 April 1989. The initial submission should NOT be a complete paper and should be structured such that it can be rapidly evaluated by members of the program committee. Submissions are limited to 10 pages, double spaced, and should include a return mailing address and an electronic address if possible. The total text should not exceed 3000 words. Papers will be judged on relevance, clarity, correctness, originality, significance, and applicability to the topics of the conference. It is important to include specific results, sketches of their derivations, and comparison to previous work. Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection no later than 31 May 1989. Full versions of the accepted paper must be received in camera ready form by 1 August 1989. Authors of accepted papers will be expected to sign a copyright release form. Proceedings will be distributed at the symposium, and will subsequently be available from the ACM. Send technical summaries to: TRI-Ada '89 papers c/o Tom Probert Encore Computer Corporation 257 Cedar Hill Street Marlborough, Ma 01752-3089 (e-mail: Conference Co-Chairs are: - John Foreman, Software En- - Major Chuck Engle, US Army gineering Institute (SEI) and SEI (e-mail: (e-mail: Program committee members are: - Tom Probert, Encore Com- - Norm Cohen, IBM (Co-Chair) puter Corporation (Co- (e-mail: Chair) (e-mail: - Don O'Neill, Software Engi- neering Institute - Captain Rebecca Abraham, - Erhard Ploedereder, Tartan USAF Laboratories - Joan Bebb, TRW - William Scherlis, Defense Advanced Research Projects - Mark Gerhardt, ESL Agency - Lt Col Rick Gross, USAF - Diane C. P. Smith, Xerox - Charles ("Bud") Hammons, - Dudrey Smith, Smith In- Texas Instruments dustries - Tim Harrison, Software - Tucker Taft, Intermetrics Productivity Consortium - Nelson Weiderman, Software - Major Robert Lyons, Jr, Engineering Institute USAF - Geoff Mendal, Stanford Uni- versity - Tricia Oberndorf, Naval Air Development Center - ------------------------------ Date: 23 Jan 89 10:26:38 GMT From: mcvax!ukc!warwick!expya! (Jason Trenouth) Organization: Computer Science, Exeter University, UK. Subject: AI & SE workshop *************************************** * * * ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND * * SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: * * PROMISE AND PROBLEMS * * * * AN INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP * * Sponsored by the AAAI * * * * 12 - 14th April 1989 * * University of Exeter, UK * * * *************************************** The purpose of this workshop is to present and discuss a broad set of issues relating to the promise and problems of exploiting AI in practical software. The four foci of the workshop are: AI-based support environments; AI mechanisms and techniques in practical software; Software Engineering tools and techniques for practical AI software; and methodological issues. The workshop will be structured around invited presentations from both practitioners and researchers from the USA and from Europe. Each such presentation will be followed by ample discussion time. In addition, some short presentations of relevant submitted papers will be scheduled. Several panel discussions are also planned. In order to facilitate the possibility of useful, open discussion the workshop will be limited to approximately 40 persons. If you would like to participate, present a paper, or organize a panel discussion, please send a one-page summary of your interests in this area to: Professor Derek Partridge, Department of Computer Science, University of Exeter, Exeter, EX4 4PT, UK email: tel: Exeter (0392) 264069 FAX: 0392 263108 - ------------------------------ Date: 24 Jan 89 22:34:02 GMT From: sei! (Norman Gibbs) Organization: Carnegie-Mellon University (Software Engineering Institute), Pgh, PA Subject: Call for Papers Note that there is still time to submit a paper for CSEE89. Call for Papers THIRD SEI CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING EDUCATION PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA JULY 17-18, 1989 The SEI Conference on Software Engineering Education is an annual conference that brings together educators from universities, industry and government to discuss issues of mutual interest, with the goal of promoting educational improvements for the emerging discipline of software engineering. The program committee invites papers and proposals for panels and special sessions on ALL ASPECTS of SOFTWARE ENGINEERING EDUCATION. We are interested in discussions of successful experiences at any level (industrial, undergraduate, graduate) and on any pertinent topic. We are particularly interested in papers and proposals in the following areas: - Industry Education Issues: How should in-house education and training be structured to be most cost-effective? What is an effective mix of in-house, vendor, university, and technology-based education and training? How can education and training be integrated with process groups or other technology transfer mechanisms? - Teaching Large Systems Issues: How can concepts of large software systems be taught within the constraints of the educational setting? Can the objectives of reuse be extended from the level of algorithms and data structures to the realm of large systems architectures? How can we teach the team cooperation and communication skills required for building large systems? How should we teach system integration testing? - Foundations for Software Maintenance: What disciplines and principles underlie the skills required for software understanding and modification? How can these skills be taught and their importance communicated early in the curriculum? - Teaching Issues of Embedded Systems: What are the foundations and principles of embedded, real-time, distributed, and concurrent systems? How can these be taught in a personal computer-based educational environment? All papers will be refereed. The proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag in its Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. Authors should submit five copies of complete papers by February 10, 1989. Notification of acceptance or rejection of papers will be sent March 10, 1989. Final versions of accepted papers in camera-ready form must be received by April 17, 1989. Authors will be asked to sign a copyright release form. Papers, proposals and requests for additional information should be addressed to: Norman E. Gibbs ARPAnet: CSEE Program Committee Telephone: (412) 268-7703 Software Engineering Institute Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Program Committee Alan Adamson, IBM For the SEI: Jon Bentley, AT&T Bell Labs Mark Ardis John Brackett, Boston University Maribeth Carpenter Rick Cobello, General Electric Lionel Deimel James Collofello, Arizona State Charles Engle Richard Fairley, George Mason Robert Firth Susan Gerhart, MCC Gary Ford Hassan Gomaa, George Mason Norman Gibbs David Lamb, Queen's University John Goodenough Dieter Rombach, Maryland Harvey Hallman Rebecca Smith, Hewlett-Packard John Maher James Tomayko, Wichita State Scott Stevens David Weiss, SPC Nelson Weidermann The Software Engineering Institute (SEI) is a federally funded research and development center operated by Carnegie Mellon University. Part of its mission is to promote and support software engineering education throughout the educational community. - ------------------------------ Date: 27 Jan 89 17:18:03 GMT From: mailrus!!qucis! (Elias Fokas) Organization: Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada Subject: Network Definition Language Abstract Network Definition Language (NDL) The ever increasing complexity and popularity of computer networks are a challenge to the network designer. Not only can he not afford any compromise of quality, but also he is required to design and maintain larger networks in less time. Evidently, the use of an appropriate software tool will facilitate the designer's job. We think that the kernel of any such tool should consist of a means to completely and explicitly define the network, i.e. a Network Definition Language. Conceptually, NDL will: 1. enforce user defined semantic and syntactic restrictions on the structure of the network (i.e. a network may only contain previously defined components which may be interconnected only in certain patterns). 2. introduce a user defined level of abstraction (i.e. the same network might be "viewed" as a set of nodes and links or as a set of real life components). 3. isolate network-related algorithms from the actual representation and storage of the network in the computer's memory. Once the network is defined, any algorithm can be applied to it. 4. link any network (or network component) to a user defined "data base" (the term is used metaphorically), containing any information the user deems relevant (i.e. anything from the price and availability of an ethernet adaptor to the transmission characteristics (bps, distance, reliabilty, cost per byte etc) of a physical medium) to that particular network (or network component). 5. provide a means of embeding functional and non-quantifiable attributes in the definition of a network (or its components). For instance, if a node fails and this node happens to be the administrative mainframe the damage is considerable; whereas, if this node is the fileserver of the secretarial services LAN, the damage is not so severe. Preliminary research on the subject is under way. However, we have not yet found any referernce to the aforementioned concepts. Ifyou have heard of anything, even vaguely, related to this subject or have some comment or opinion, however general, please sent e-mail to FOKAS@QUCIS or write to: Elias Fokas, Dept. of Computer and Information Science, Qeen's University, Kingston, Ontario Canada, K7L3N6 Areas related to this research include: Object-oriented languages, hardware description languages, network design, software tools, and expert systems. - ------------------------------ End of Software Engineering Digest **********************************