[comp.software-eng] Practical Experience

tarry@sirius.UUCP (Steve Tarry) (02/04/89)

It has long puzzled me why there are so few masters degree programs in
Software Engineering and even fewer (none that I know of) bachelors
programs.  Consider what universities offer our engineering brethren:
Students interested in research study, for example, chemistry, math,
or physics; those interested in building products get a degree in,
e.g., chemical engineering, electrical engineering, or civil engineering.
Of course, the engineering students must learn a foundation in the
underlying sciences, but they also learn how to apply science to
real commercial problems.

In the world of software, there would seem to be similar educational
needs:  Computer science for those exploring frontiers of the software
art, and software engineering for (the much greater number of) people
who are building software products.

In article <67605@ti-csl.CSNET>, myjak@home.csc.ti.com (Michael Myjak) writes:
>     ...I have often wondered how well pure CS people perform at
> tasks (like software engineering ?) that require a moderate (to
> in-depth) level of hardware understanding.

Exposure to the hardware side of computing is but *one* aspect of what
distinguishes a software engineering education from a computer science
education.  In illustration of some other aspects, I'll mention a few
of the features of the Masters of Software Engineering program that I
recently completed (at the now-defunct Wang Institute of Graduate Studies):

--Two years of work experience with software was required for admission;
  students fresh out of a B.S. program were not accepted.

--Thorough grounding in computer science fundamentals (e.g, discrete
  math and data structures) was required.  As one who got his B.S. in
  the Old Days, I found meeting the admissions requirements almost as
  valuable as the degree program itself.  Then the first course in
  the program was APPLICATION (emphasis mine) of Formal Methods, such
  as classifying real problems according to complexity theory.

--Group work on projects was required.  In particular, instead of an
  individual thesis (which was not an option), one had to develop
  and deliver two software products with teams of fellow students.

--Exposure to non-technical aspects of software development was an
  essential part of the degree.  For example, a course in software
  project management was required, not to mention the lessons learned
  in the group projects.

--There was a heavy emphasis on techniques (e.g., structured analysis
  vs. Jackson's methods) and tools (from spreadsheets to compiler

Hey, it's tough being a cheerleader for an alma mater that no longer exists!
But there are other programs with a similar slant (such as at the various
institutions where the former Wang Institute faculty have landed).  And
enterprising students can bend traditional computer science programs in
this direction.  Use your electives to take the courses required of
"real" engineers (Electric Circuits, Thermodynamics, Statics, ...).
Work as a programmer summers or between degrees or in a co-op program.
Develop a program useful to others (including the users manual!) as part
of your thesis.
  Steve Tarry        ...dartvax.dartmouth.edu!sirius!tarry
  Northern Telecom, Network Supports Systems Div., Concord, N.H. (for now)

jerbil@cit-vax.Caltech.Edu (Stainless Steel Gerbil [Joe Beckenbach]) (02/06/89)

>  Steve Tarry        ...dartvax.dartmouth.edu!sirius!tarry
>  Northern Telecom, Network Supports Systems Div., Concord, N.H. (for now)

In his article <530@sirius.UUCP> Steve Tarry writes:
>It has long puzzled me why there are so few masters degree programs in
>Software Engineering and even fewer (none that I know of) bachelors
>programs. Consider what universities offer our engineering brethren:
>Students interested in research study, for example, chemistry, math,
>or physics; those interested in building products get a degree in,
>e.g., chemical engineering, electrical engineering, or civil engineering.
>Of course, the engineering students must learn a foundation in the
>underlying sciences, but they also learn how to apply science to
>real commercial problems.

	It frankly puzzles me that people are puzzled at the lack of 
masters and bachelors programs for Software Engineering. Why? To my mind,
this profession of computer programming is simply FAR TOO YOUNG!!
	As I and several people at the USENIX conference agreed in informal
gabfests after the paper presentations, there is simply too little 'real
formal content' to justify a large amount of learning. I mean, look at
this profession and compare it to another profession; I'll use architecture,
since my father is an architect and I grew up surrounded by the tools and
some of the culture of that profession.

	Architecture began with building simple little huts. With a few
simple tools and an observant mind, someone could put up a decent dwelling.
We're talking about something that anyone from mid-Stone-Age on could and
can do. Larger buildings, such as agricultural storage silos and cistern
systems could be designed by one person, but implementation and maintainence
required multiple people. And very few first designs of anything work;
that's why architects needed to look at the works of the previous generations
in making their buildings-- see what worked in the past, and adapt it.
	Once mathematics and physics got together, architects began acquiring
tools to analyze structure stresses, materials' limitations, and other data.
This allowed further design and weakened the reliance on trial-and-error
and tradition in the course of designing buildings over an architectural
group's career. These tools were nurtured, strengthened, and extended by
the training process of the student architect; over the course of the centuries
the simple compass-and-straightedge-and-intuition approach received the
augmentation of mathematics for structural stress analyses, water delivery,
air circulation, and so on. 
	The more complex the profession, the longer it takes to train a new
member up to the minimum acceptible standard. For architects in the Middle
Ages, I believe that the apprenticeship period covered the same amount of 
time, but had less material to pass on, and a lower rate at which it could
pass on the essentials of the craft. 

	I think you can see the parallels I am about to draw. Anyone with
access to the right materials can craft toy programs on a machine, and one
with an observant mind can do something useful consistently. The larger
projects require more discipline, training, and background; but still a
well-organized person can go a long way towards finishing the smaller stuff,
and getting the people to start a larger project.
	However, the fundamental difference is that we have had computers for
about a generation or so. Architecture has had several millenia. 'Software
Engineering' has the benefit of the past experience of architecture's methods,
and the other engineering disciplines as well-- but we simply have not had
the time yet to become a coherent profession. This touches on many central
points of 'Computer Science' debates: should we be licensed? what should be
the ethics of the profession? what is a proper term for what we do?
	Back to 'Software Engineering' in particular, it is still possible
and quite commonplace for a major project to be haphazardly given, produced,
distributed, and maintained. And, in general, no one cares one way or the
other, since the goods are somehow being delivered. But is, in the main,
software being engineered, to a rigor even partly approaching other fields?
No. Is computing actually firmly grounded as a science? Yes, but not in most
jobs which are associated with 'Computer Science'.

	So, my view of it all is that we have a smattering of those who are
professionals in the sense that most architects, doctors, and the like are
professionals; some pretend to it, others strive for it, and some ignore it
entirely. [I could give some examples in each category, but that's overkill.]
Architecture, civil engineering, and other disciplines have had this stage;
'social science' and economics are doing so as well, and are in slightly 
different stages of the process of acquiring the rigor, scholarship, and
discipline necessary to be a profession in the same class as the current
civil engineers, architects, and doctors.

>In article <67605@ti-csl.CSNET>, myjak@home.csc.ti.com (Michael Myjak) writes:
>>     ...I have often wondered how well pure CS people perform at
>> tasks (like software engineering ?) that require a moderate (to
>> in-depth) level of hardware understanding.

	I would say it depends on the programming skill of the CS guy.
Mind you, to me, real CS has heavy use of mathematics, and need not
understand the hardware or hardware interface to either be a software
engineer or to provide insights which could be best expressed in hardware.
I cite Prof. Chuck Seitz' work leading to the Caltech Cosmic Cube, and
all its derivative works. [Aside: these are all based on computational
nodes with separate memory for each CPU, and communication between nodes
by passing messages between nodes along wiring.] Besides, is it not true
that the hardware simply allows the theoretical von Neumann machine to
be expressed and used as something that approaches a reasonable speed?

>Exposure to the hardware side of computing is but *one* aspect of what
>distinguishes a software engineering education from a computer science
	Glad to see someone points out a major distinction!

>education.  In illustration of some other aspects, I'll mention a few
>of the features of the Masters of Software Engineering program that I
>recently completed (at the now-defunct Wang Institute of Graduate Studies):
>--Two years of work experience with software was required for admission;
>  students fresh out of a B.S. program were not accepted.
	Lets the student understand and find the common core of what he
had been taught-- this should already be part of the BS program!!!

>--Thorough grounding in computer science fundamentals (e.g, discrete
>  math and data structures) was required.  As one who got his B.S. in
>  the Old Days, I found meeting the admissions requirements almost as
>  valuable as the degree program itself.  Then the first course in
>  the program was APPLICATION (emphasis mine) of Formal Methods, such
>  as classifying real problems according to complexity theory.
	Again, another hole in most BS programs.
>--Group work on projects was required.  In particular, instead of an
>  individual thesis (which was not an option), one had to develop
>  and deliver two software products with teams of fellow students.
	Another hole missing in BS programs.
>--Exposure to non-technical aspects of software development was an
>  essential part of the degree.  For example, a course in software
>  project management was required, not to mention the lessons learned
>  in the group projects.
>--There was a heavy emphasis on techniques (e.g., structured analysis
>  vs. Jackson's methods) and tools (from spreadsheets to compiler
>  generators).
	What I am seeing is very much like what is going on with the 
'social sciences': it is in the descriptive phase of its existence, about
where physics was before Sir Isaac Newton's generation. What seems to be
happening is more like a semi-technical general-education degree rather
than a real embryonic 'software engineering' or 'computer science' discipline
(looking as a whole).

	To fill the current gaps as a student:
>Use your electives to take the courses required of "real" engineers
>(Electric Circuits, Thermodynamics, Statics, ...).
 And _not_ just EE! Spread it around. And add math as well. An engineer without
 the proper mathematical tools is not as worth hiring or working alongside.
>Work as a programmer summers or between degrees or in a co-op program.
 This is HIGHLY recommended by most; I think it should be REQUIRED.
>Develop a program useful to others (including the users manual!) as part
>of your thesis.
 Again, recommended, though most of the seminal theses I've seen have been
 still at the level of first prototype.

	This is my own opinion, based on my own observations, the conversations
I have had with other in several fields, professions, and walks of life.
I am in no way, shape, or form, attempting to insult the integrity,
intelligence, or reputation of any individual, group, or organization.
If I offend, please consider why, start correcting the problems, and then
think before flaming.
	I'd rather have a well-thought-out roasting over the coals than a
flash-in-the-pan flame.

	Joe Beckenbach		CS Dept asst system manager
	joe@cit-vax.caltech.edu	jerbil@csvax.caltech.edu
	BS CS 1989, currently filling in the gaps in my BS program
		with more real work
Joe Beckenbach	joe@csvax.caltech.edu	Caltech 256-80, Pasadena CA 91125
Should programmers be licensed? Yes, but not yet: once we've got it together
	enough to be a profession.

coggins@coggins.cs.unc.edu (Dr. James Coggins) (02/07/89)

In article <530@sirius.UUCP> tarry@sirius.UUCP (Steve Tarry) writes:
>It has long puzzled me why there are so few masters degree programs in
>Software Engineering and even fewer (none that I know of) bachelors

There is a good case to be made that Software Engineering is not an
appropriate baccalaureate field of study and that the professional
M.S. as you described Wang Institute's M.S.E (R.I.P.) is the only
reasonable way to go.  Wang's entrance requirements helped to ensure
that the MSE was not just an advanced hacker's degree. (yech, what a

There is, in fact, a strong case that can be made to the effect that
software is OVERemphasized in current B.S. CS programs at the expense
of problem-solving, analytical skills, mathematics, and CS theory.
The question to ask is, "How much of our undergrad program will be
obsolete in 10 years?" Too many places must answer with too high a
figure.  Students are better served in the long run by not getting a
CS(E) undergrad degree - especially the narrow, inflexible,
hacker-driven mush being pushed by the accrediting agencies. 

>Of course, the engineering students must learn a foundation in the
>underlying sciences, but they also learn how to apply science to
>real commercial problems.

See this month's CACM for yet another attempt at defining what a 
CS curriculum is.  Since the underlying science is so ill-defined,
the engineering discipline sits atop sand.  It is appropriate for
intensive study only by those who really need it immediately -
people working in the field who, one hopes, have outgrown their
hacker phase and are ready to adopt the mantle of professionals.
In other words, Software Engineering remains most appropriate for
a professional M.S. program.

Dr. James M. Coggins          coggins@cs.unc.edu
Computer Science Department   
UNC-Chapel Hill               Software Engineering Laboratory Bawss
Chapel Hill, NC 27514-3175    (UNC COMP 145/227)

sue@murdu.OZ (Sue McPherson) (02/09/89)

In article <530@sirius.UUCP> tarry@sirius.UUCP (Steve Tarry) writes:
>It has long puzzled me why there are so few masters degree programs in
>Software Engineering and even fewer (none that I know of) bachelors

I read Steve Tarry's article on the wonders of an MS in Software Engineering
and the shortage of MS programs with some confusion. I certainly can't speak
CS degrees in the US but in Australia I did a BSc with a Comp Sci Major, a
three year course which had the following content;
1st Year
	Comp Sci - Fundamentals, Information Structures, Algorithms & Systems
	Pure Maths
2nd Year
	Comp Sci - Hardware/Low-level stuff, Numerical Methods & Systems
	Pure Maths
3rd Year
	Comp Sci - Advanced Data Strcutures, Real-Time systems, Database
		   Management, Theory of Computation, Computers & Society
		   AND Software Engineering 

I chose the "software stream". Other "theoretical", "Numerical" and "Hardware"
subjects were available. There was a free choice from the subjects offered
in the science faculty available in 1st and 2nd year.

In regards to the contents of the MS program, I would like to make the
following comments;

>--Group work on projects was required.  In particular, instead of an
>  individual thesis (which was not an option), one had to develop
>  and deliver two software products with teams of fellow students.
We did two group projects, a specification and a software product (My group
developed a Word Processor, others did forms entry systems, database systems..)

>--Exposure to non-technical aspects of software development was an
>  essential part of the degree.  For example, a course in software
>  project management was required, not to mention the lessons learned
>  in the group projects.
Part of the Software Engineering subject

>--There was a heavy emphasis on techniques (e.g., structured analysis
>  vs. Jackson's methods) and tools (from spreadsheets to compiler generators)
In SE we covered design methodologies. Tools such as compilers, compiler
generators, editors and DBMSs were covered in various subjects, we were
never introduced to spreadsheets but perhaps that was because most people
can figure that out by reading a few pages of a manual.

I'm sure that the course content of the MS in Software Engineering is
worthwhile, what worries me is that it Steve seems to be suggesting that
these things aren't in a normal CS degree.

The MS seems very useful for engineers/accountants/other graduates who
find themselves in programming but for anyone who has done a good CS degree
it would seem superfluous. Perhaps now that the supply of CS trained
programmers is starting to meet the demand, there is no longer the same need
to "re-train" other graduates?

Sue McPherson
Consultant, Software Contracts Group
University of Melbourne

myjak@home.csc.ti.com (Michael Myjak) (02/10/89)

>> I wrote:
>>     ...I have often wondered how well pure CS people perform at
>> tasks (like software engineering ?) that require a moderate (to
>> in-depth) level of hardware understanding.

Steve Tarry writes:
>Exposure to the hardware side of computing is but *one* aspect of what
>distinguishes a software engineering education from a computer science

In this case I was referring to a systems software engineering; i.e.
one who is applying the skills and techniques of software engineering
to a hardware related application.  Granted Steve, it *is* an
application, but one that all computer scientists should be versed in;
otherwise they would just be programmers. :-)

The original point of discussion which started all this was: "Who is
better qualified to develop software that requires moderate to
in-depth level of hardware knowledge and software engineering, a BSCS
or BSEE?"

The second point I would like to quibble about is that a "software
engineering education" is something that all computer scientists
should have been exposed. IMHO, software engineering is not a separate
discipline, but it may be an area of specialty for a phd dissertation.

Bill Wolfe writes:

>   The field of software engineering is INDEPENDENT of the realm of
>   application; [...] Any application area can 
>   benefit from the utilization of software engineering principles,
>   but software engineering is in no way tied to any particular area 
>   of application.

Exactly where is the "field" of software engineering? is it in Boise? :-)

Many industrial locations call any body which authors programs a
software engineer. While in many instances this may be true, I do not
believe that it is completely accurate.  A BSCS (CIS?) may graduate
without ever having had a single course in software engineering and
yet industry still refers to them as software engineers.

Scott G. writes:
>A software engineer is the typical term for someone with a BSCS. 


Bill then goes on to make an incorrect statement:
>   It DOES cover: [...]
>   Modern Programming Language Features (Ada) ...

This is incorrect because Software Engineering is independent of, and
in no way related to a *particular* language, its features, or its
associated environment. While it is true that some languages lend
themselves to software engineering techniques better than other
languages do, software engineering and ADA are mutually exclusive.

Quoting from _Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach_ by
Roger S. Pressman; McGraw-Hill, 1982.:

	Software engineering "... techniques deal with software as an
	engineered product that requires planning, analysis, design,
	implementation, testing, and maintenance." 

To sum this up, Software Engineers are people who apply software
engineering techniques to their programming tasks.

  -- Always mount a scratch monkey --