(Norman Gibbs) (02/23/89)
This is a re-posting from the SEI local bulletin board. Posted by Dr. James Tomayko, Wichita State University I am pleased to announce that the infinitely wise Kansas Board of Regents (may they be reappointed by the governor) has officially approved the Software Engineering graduate program at Wichita State. This means that the 80 or so students that we have already enrolled will be able to avoid that dreaded title of 'computer scientist,' and also that they no longer can accuse me of misrepresentation (we sort of had to run things as a guerilla operation while our learned colleagues at Kansas U. and Kansas State tried to figure out what the hell we were up to and whether to be afraid of it). Since, to my knowledge, this is the first program to go from conception to fruition solely based on the assistance of the SEI, the SEI has something to be proud of, as well. Pittsburgh may still be waiting for the first of the projected spinoff companies from the SEI, but the country at large is about to blossom with many instantiations of what we built together at Wichita State. Long Live Tech Transition! May a Thousand Affiliates Bloom! For additional information send email to Jim at