[comp.software-eng] Good Design Strategies <Was comments on comments)

djones@megatest.UUCP (Dave Jones) (02/28/89)

From article <51955@yale-celray.yale.UUCP), by jellinghaus-robert@CS.YALE.EDU (Rob Jellinghaus):

) Everyone involved in this discussion should get their hands on a copy
) of Bertrand Meyer's book _Object-Oriented Software Construction_, Prentice-
) Hall, 1988.  The design philosophy being discussed sounds virtually
) identical to Meyer's exposition of the object-oriented design method.
) Briefly, Meyer's summary of object-oriented design is as follows:
) 	Ask not what the system does, ask what it does it to.

Great quote!!  I'm sold. I'll pop down to Computer Literacy tommorrow
to buy me a copy.

I think I'll put the quote in my .sig.

) In other words, the most important characteristic of the system is NOT
) its overall "intended function".  The most important description of the
) system is in terms of the objects, the data, that is manipulated by the
) system.

Amen brother.