[comp.software-eng] Where is System Development Corporation

thhj@imada.dk (Hjelm Thomas) (05/11/89)

I would like to get the address and phone- and fax-number of 

System Development Corporation, 
(SDC, A Borroughs Company)

They have developed the "Formal Development Method" (FDM), the
design language "Ina Jo" and the corresponding tools.

The last address I have for them is from Feb. 87:
		Santa Monica
		CA 90405
at which time an article by Daniel M. Berry appeared in IEEE
Transactions of Software Engineering, but apparently they have
moved since then because it has not been possible to find their
phone numbers.

It would be of great help if anyone would drop me a line about
how to find them. Please reply to      thomas@ifad.dk.