[net.micro] Information request: WP specfications

sdpage%sevax.prg.oxford.ac.uk%cs.ucl.ac.uk@BRL.ARP (Stephen Page) (04/11/86)

                           Request for information

The University of Oxford is developing a co-ordinated policy to guide future
purchases of workstations and personal computers. As part of the policy
we will be specifying minimum standards for word processing software
which will be supplied with and used on these machines.

The software will have two major functions:
     - to act as standalone document preparation software, handling all aspects
       from text entry to production of the final copy on a local printer;
     - to allow the user to enter and edit text which will be transmitted
       from the workstation for remote processing or typesetting.

Our specification includes sections on text preparation facilities, document
production facilities, and output file formats. We are interested in pursuing
markup languages and postprocessors as well as the more common word processing
software packages. We are particularly interested in foreign-language and
scientific capabilities.

We would be interested to hear from others who have drawn up similar
specifications or who may have information which might be of assistance.

Please mail to    sdpage%oxford.prg@ucl-cs.arpa
or write to       Stephen Page, Programming Research Group,
                  8-11 Keble Road, Oxford   OX1 3QD,  U.K.