[comp.software-eng] maintenance strategies/tools

roelof@idca.tds.PHILIPS.nl (R. Vuurboom) (07/28/89)

Apologies if this has been discussed before. I'm posting this for a friend.

A large institute here in Holland is looking at ways to document/channel 
expertise for maintenance of very large transaction processing programs.  

These program suites process in the order of 100 thousands/millions of 
transactions a day (or so I am told).

Due to programmer turnover and program size and inadequate documentation
the usual maintenance woes are being felt.

The institute wants to "reverse engineer" to an adequate maintenance

Does anyone have any experience with trying to "reverse engineer" to 
a proper maintenance environment? (or know anybody who does?)

What methods/strategies were employed?

What were the lessons learned (and perhaps even more important 
the mistakes made :-)?

For example, did you decide to try and reverse engineer the specs and/or
designs or was this considered unnecessary or on the contrary absolutely

Did you develop/use identifier cross-referencing or other related techniques?

What other tools did you use/can you get on the market for this sort 
of work?

How can you phase this reverse engineering process viz. which activities
are most important and which should be done first?

Which activities/phases/goals should you forget about attempting?

I believe the current idea is to come up with some sort of "expert system"
to handle (some of) the maintenance problems. I personally have my doubts
about such an approach and would be glad to hear any positive or negative
experiences/opinions in this (or related) areas.

All opinions/pointers/experiences/flames welcome.

Thanks in advance.
I don't know what the question means, but the answer is yes...
(overheard on comp.lang.misc)
Roelof Vuurboom  SSP/V3   Philips TDS Apeldoorn, The Netherlands   +31 55 432226
domain: roelof@idca.tds.philips.nl             uucp:  ...!mcvax!philapd!roelof

johnm@uts.amdahl.com (John Murray) (08/01/89)

In article <217@ssp1.idca.tds.philips.nl>, roelof@idca.tds.PHILIPS.nl (R. Vuurboom) writes:
> A large institute here in Holland is looking at ways to document/channel 
> expertise for maintenance of very large transaction processing programs.  
> . . .
> The institute wants to "reverse engineer" to an adequate maintenance
> environment.
> Does anyone have any experience with trying to "reverse engineer" to 
> a proper maintenance environment? (or know anybody who does?)

Much of this depends on the current maintenance environment, however
limited it may be. For example, is there accurate source code available?
(There are cases of major systems where all the source has been lost,
which can make life in maintenance a little complicated!) Also, what
language is the system written in?

> For example, did you decide to try and reverse engineer the specs and/or
> designs or was this considered unnecessary or on the contrary absolutely
> vital?
> Did you develop/use identifier cross-referencing or other related techniques?

If it is anticipated that the product will continue to be used and require
maintenance, it's probably worthwhile investing time and energy in some
useful tools. However, writing the specs from the code may not be too
fruitful, unless you're also going to commit to keeping them updated from
now on. (And that's a job which the group is obviously not too good at!)

Build a cross-reference system if possible. Our maint people really
appreciated the one we put in place, especially the "who-calls-me" lists.
But remember that the cross-reference will need to be continually re-built
for each change to the product.

> How can you phase this reverse engineering process viz. which activities
> are most important and which should be done first?. . .
> Which activities/phases/goals should you forget about attempting?

With a high staff turnover, part of the problem is that new people need
to be brought up to speed all the time. (It's an idiotic feature of most
managers that they think junior people learn best by fixing bugs!) Rather
than take on an expert system project, you might be better off capturing
an expert's knowledge by giving him/her a Macintosh and MacDraw, and
building a set of overall system diagrams showing the general data flow
and how things hang together. The costs involved are pretty low, whereas
the maintenance of knowledge bases can be very high (and the organization
would just be taking on even more work in its area of weakness).

Look at what way maintenance is done now and try to identify the loop-
holes and bottlenecks. For example, would some form of automated dump
analysis tools save time? How much maintenance is real bug-fixing (as
distinct from adding new bells and whistles)? If lots of bugs are getting
out, then the testing process may need revision. Many incoming problem
reports not only require a fix to the product itself, but also a fix in
the test which allowed the fault to slip through in the first place.

This is an interesting area; I'd certainly like to discuss the various
options and strategies a bit more.

- John Murray, Amdahl Corp. (My own opinions only, etc.)

jfoster@zaphod.axion.bt.co.uk (john foster) (08/03/89)

From article <217@ssp1.idca.tds.philips.nl>, by roelof@idca.tds.PHILIPS.nl (R. Vuurboom):
> A large institute here in Holland is looking at ways to document/channel 
> expertise for maintenance of very large transaction processing programs.  
> 	[ ... ]
> Due to programmer turnover and program size and inadequate documentation
> the usual maintenance woes are being felt.
> The institute wants to "reverse engineer" to an adequate maintenance
> environment.
> Does anyone have any experience with trying to "reverse engineer" to 
> a proper maintenance environment? (or know anybody who does?)

My group here at British Telecom Research Labs has a strong interest
in reverse engineering (as part of more general research into
software maintenance). We also have past experience of using reverse
engineering in the maintenance of switching system software. I hope
the following, fairly general, comments might be of some use.

> What methods/strategies were employed?

There are (at least) three broad strategies to consider:
1. Reverse documentation, involving the use of static analysis
etc to create information to help the maintainers
2. Reverse engineering, where you start with the code and
attempt to recreate the design/spec information
3. Re-engineering, where you perform step (2) and then recreate
the system from the new spec.
(BTW, I don't claim that my use of these terms is definitive).

Identifier cross-referencing is the lowest level of our
reverse documentation work, and we then build on that to
gain higher levels of documentation. Parts of that work
are described in:
Foster, J. R. and Munro, M. "A Documentation Method Based on
Cross-Referencing" Proc Conf Software Maintenance 1987, Austin,
Fletton, N. T. and Munro, M. "Redocumenting Software Systems
Using Hypertext Technology" Proc Conf Software Maintenance 1988,
Phoenix, Arizona
(John Foster is me; Nigel Fletton is another member of the
group here; Malcolm Munro is at the University of Durham (UK)
and runs the Centre for Software Maintenance there).
We have found reverse documentation extremely useful, even though
it can't tell you _all_ the things you want to know (like the
reasons behind design decisions).
This isn't a commercial plug, incidentally, because we are not
in the market as tool suppliers in this area.

Reverse engineering (as I define it here) is a more difficult
task, but there's a lot of interest and activity. A good example
paper is:
Sneed, H. M. and Jandrasics, G. "Inverse Transformation of Software
from Code to Specification" Proc Conf Software Maintenance 1988
The paper describes a system for reverse engineering from COBOL.

Re-engineering is the most expensive of the lot, but of course it
also offers the greatest potential gain. IBM have an interesting
project involving re-engineering via formal methods: see eg
Nix, C. J. and Collins, B. P. "The Use of Software Engineering,
including the Z Notation, in the Development of CICS" Quality
Assurance, vol 14 no 3, September 1988

> What other tools did you use/can you get on the market for this sort 
> of work?
There's a regularly updated survey on software maintenance tools,
published by Software Maintenance News, Staten Island, New York.
Sorry I can't quote the full reference right now, but their
phone number is (USA) 718-816-5522.

> I believe the current idea is to come up with some sort of "expert system"
> to handle (some of) the maintenance problems. I personally have my doubts
> about such an approach and would be glad to hear any positive or negative
> experiences/opinions in this (or related) areas.

I'm convinced that expert systems have a lot to offer, although these
are early days yet. But people are certainly talking about, and/or
experimenting with:
- systems to help users register their change requests (with
some problem analysis capability)
- systems to aid code analysis
- systems to aid people writing documentation
There are some papers in the proceedings of the software maintenance
conferences mentioned above, that give an idea of what's going on.

Hope this helps.

| Who:    John Foster                                                |
| Where:  RT3151, Room G44C, SSTF, British Telecom Research Labs,    |
|         Martlesham Heath, Ipswich, IP5 7RE, UK.                    |
| Phone:  +44 473 646019                     Fax:  +44 473 643019    |
| E mail: jfoster@axion.bt.co.uk             Telex: 987137 (ISSEC G) |