[net.micro] fig-Forth available for lots of machines


From:    <SECRIST%OAK.SAINET.MFENET@LLL-MFE.Arpa>   (Richard C. Secrist)
Date:    Mon, 14-APR-1986 07:33 EST
Quote: "May your future be limited only by your dreams." -- Christa McAuliffe
Organization: Science Applications Int'l. Corp., Oak Ridge, Tenn., USA
CompuServe-ID: [71636,52]

If you're interested in Forth, I have several versions of fig or MVP Forth
available in source code format that I can netmail to you (I don't have FTP
access).  Likewise, if you have the sources to a version of Forth I don't
have, please get in touch or netmail me a copy.  May the FORTH be with you !

Pres., East Tennessee FORTH Interest Group


P.S.> The ever popular Laxen & Perry Forth-83 with full sources is available
on the Simtel20 for several (?!) machines.

- - -

Available as source:                            Wanted desparately:

fig PDP-11                                      fig Apple ][
fig V1.1 and 1.2, 8080 CP/M                     fig VAX
MVP 8080 CP/M                                   fig Commodore-64
fig MS-DOS 8086/8
fig Tandy Model 100

Rare PD binaries (no source available):

F83 Apple ProDOS
F83 C64 (Blazin Forth)
fig Radio Shack MC-10

Thanks !