[comp.software-eng] call 4 papers

mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL ("Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E") (11/13/89)

                                 sponsored by 
           The Society for Computer Simulation, International (SCS)
               to be held April 23-27 in Nashville, Tennessee.

  All papers will deal with software technology for ballistics simulation.
  Papers and proposals for tutorials, panels, workshops and other special
  formats are solicited in all areas of ballistics simulation. Specific
  topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
          - Interior Ballistics
                  - Small armaments
                  - Artillery
                  - Tank weapons
                  - Naval weapons
                  - Aircraft and Helicopter weapons
          - Exterior Ballistics
                  - Vacuum Trajectory
                  - Simple Air Trajectory
                  - Six degree of freedom trajectory
                  - design for flight - finners and spinners
          - Terminal Ballistics
                  - Kinetic energy penetration
                  - Simulation of impact
                  - Energetic materials
                  - Shaped charges
                  - Jet penetration
                  - Fragmentation
  Other topics include:
          - Propulsion Dynamics
          - Launch Dynamics
          - Flight Dynamics
          - Warhead Mechanisms
          - Body Armor as related to Wound Ballistics
          - Weapon Identification
          - Gunnery Training

  Requirements and Deadlines
  Send your abstracts and/or session proposals on one side of a single 8.5"
  x 11" page to: Michael J. Chinni c/o 1990 Eastern Multiconference, SCS,
  P.O. Box 17900, San Diego, CA 92117, by NOVEMBER 30, 1989. Proposals
  received after that date will be considered as long as time and program
  space permit. Include full names, affiliations, addresses and phone
  numbers (office and home) for each author or participant. Attach, or copy
  business cards if available. Each abstract must include the title of the
  proposed paper with a short summary so that it may be properly positioned
  in the conference. Indicate on the page that the proposal and/or abstract
  is for the 1990 EMC - Conference on Ballistics Simulation

  Notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent on or about DECEMBER
  10, 1989.  For accepted papers an author's kit with complete instructions
  for manuscript preparation is included.  Participants receive
  instructions regarding conference attendance.

  Camera-ready copy of accepted papers and all other materials to be
  included in Conference Proceedings must be received at the SCS office by
  JANUARY 5, 1989.  Only papers which have NOT been previously published or
  presented should be submitted.  Authors must obtain employer, client, or
  government releases prior to submittal of the final manuscript.

  Authors and other participants are expected to register early, at a
  reduced rate and to attend the Conference at their own expense to present
  accepted papers.  

  For Further Information
  Anyone wishing further information can contact:
  Michael J. Chinni, Chair (Ballistics)
  Attn: SMCAR-CCS-E, B. 350 Annex
  Picatinny Arsenal, New Jersey 07806-5000
  (201) 724-4140 (AV) 880-4140