oman@ted.cs.uidaho.EDU (11/22/89)
>From Paul Oman, <>, Tools Fair Co-editor,
IEEE Software magazine.
There is still time -- and we still have room -- to include your software
tool in the Tools Fair special issue of IEEE Software magazine. For each
tool we will print a description of up to 1000 words, plus an optional
photograph of its user-interface or graphical output.
The special issue is scheduled for May 1990, but the deadline for submissions
is Dec. 15, 1989. All software tools being used, sold, or currently under
development by research and commercial organizations will be considered.
So far, subsections have been formed for CASE, performance analyzers,
software management, maintenance, and parallelizing tools. Other tools are
also invited.
If you're interested in submitting your tool for inclusion in the Tools
Fair issue, contact Paul Oman, Tools Fair Co-editor,
Computer Science Dept.
University of Idaho
Moscow, ID 83843
(208) 885-6589