[comp.software-eng] PDL information wanted

simpson@trwind.UUCP (Scott Simpson) (11/28/89)

	I need some information on PDLs.  They can be Ada or non-Ada
based.  Could you please send me any information on PDLs that you know
about and your experience with them?  I am interested in any cost
or platform.  I will summarize to the net.
	Here are a couple I know about already:

PDL/81 by Caine, Farber and Gorden.  Does anybody have a phone number,
pricing info or experience information?

ADADL by Software Systems Design, Inc.  This is a PDL and associated
software tools based on Ada.  The processor and documentation tool
automatically produce DoD-STD-2167 or Mil-STD-490 documentation
from the Ada source code.  $6,500/1, $58,500/site, $1,300/educational.
(From January 1988 Catalyst.)
Scott Simpson    TRW Information Networks Division    simpson@ind.trw.com

ssdken@jarthur.Claremont.EDU (Ken Nelson) (11/29/89)

 Software Systems Design's ADADL has a new sister tool 'CDADL' which is
 a PDL for C.  Using CDADL you can design with an Ada PDL and implement
 in C.  The 30 some odd reports that ADADL offers for Ada are also offered
 for C.  SSD's other tools Docgen, and TestGen also have C versions.

				Ken Nelson
				Principal Engineer
				Software Systems Design
				3627 Padua Ave
				(714) 624-3402