[comp.software-eng] $10 Phrase Needed To Describe "Software Marketing"

ries@venice.SEDD.TRW.COM (Marc Ries) (01/10/90)

 A co-worker asked me this question, and since I didn't know, maybe some reader
 could help.

 Is there a  "Business Administration"-like term(s) to describe how a company
 "packages" software for market?  An example:

     A company wants to create/market a product to run under MS Windows.  They
     go to Microsoft and get the specs for Windows (the developers toolkit, for
     example), create a product, write a user's manual, installation scripts, 
     and shrink-wrap the stuff for customer delivery.

  Thanks for any suggestions.

Marc Ries
           ries@venice.sedd.trw.com     (ARPA)
           somewhere!trwind!venice!ries (UUCP)
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