[comp.software-eng] MSc in Computing Science

ajf@doc.ic.ac.uk (Tony J Field) (03/22/90)

             Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine 
                          Department of Computing

                            COURSE ANNOUNCEMENT

                               MASTERS DEGREE 

                             COMPUTING SCIENCE

      Course tutor: Mr. R. Bailey    Admissions tutor: Mr. J. Jacobson 

Applications are invited for the MSc course in Computing Science at 
Imperial College for 1990/1991.  The course is of 12 months duration and aims 
to give a comprehensive grounding in a broad range of applications of
digital computers in industry and commerce, and in the design of computing
systems.  Special emphasis is placed on the fundamental principles 
underlying computing processes, a knowledge of progrmming languages, and an
understanding of the practical considerations involved in a professional 
approach to system design and the implementation of software.  Particular
applications are introduced mainly as examples of general principles.
    The course is designed mainly as a conversion course for graduates of 
disciplines other than computing science, though candidates are assumed to 
have had some previous experience of programming.  Candidates with a strong
mathematical background are most likely to to obtain maximum benefit from 
the course although applications from those with an arts background are
also welcomed.

    The course consists of two terms of taught material (including lectures, 
tutorials and laboratory work), followed by a written examination and an 
individual project lasting four to five months.  During the spring term, 
students select five courses from the selection offered together with a 
group project.
    The courses currently offered in the spring term include:  Database
systems, Silicon compilation, Interactive graphics, Software tools,
Human-computer interaction, Functional programming, Artificial 
Intelligence, Logic programming, Advanced systems architectures, Computer
interfacing and microprocessors, Distributed processing and networks,
Performance analysis, Simulation, Computing management.

The course is recognised for the award of Diploma of Imperial College (DIC)
and for the MSc dgeree of the University of London.  The Science and 
Engineering Research Council (SERC) has accepted the course as suitable for
the tenure of its Advanced Course Studentships.

All applications and enquiries should be directed to:- 

     The Senior Assistant Registrar,
     Imperial College,
     London SW7 2AZ.

or alternatively to:-

     Ms. Anne O'Neill,
     Department of Computing,
     Imperial College,
     180, Queens Gate,
     London SW7 2BZ.
     Tel: (01) 589 5111 ext. 5095.