[comp.software-eng] evolution of Structured Analysis ?

tensu@vehka.uta.fi (Tero Ahtee) (06/06/90)

Hi all you in the nets !

I'm trying to make a list of structured analysis and design methods and
methodologies, in chronological order. For example, first was structured 
programming (SP), then structured design (SD), and then structured analysis 

Now I'm a bit confused about when did Tom DeMarco publish his SASS-method 
(Structured Analysis and System Specification), was it 1978 or 1979 ??
Is that method the one, which is always called DeMarco's Structured Analysis ?

Did Gane and Sarson first develop a method called SSA (Structured Systems 
Analysis) in 1977 or 1978 ? I know, that this SSA is developed further to 
STRADIS (Structured Analysis, Design and Implementation of Information 
Systems) by Gane and Sarson. Is the 'Gane-Sarson structured analysis' the 
same as STRADIS (or SSA) ?? 

There are also some books ; 
* McMenamin and Palmer, Essential Systems Analysis
* Orr, Structured Systems Development
Are these independent methods ? Some persons here in Finland think that 
the names of these books are also methods. I haven't heard about methods
called 'Essential Systems Analysis' or 'Structured Systems Development'.
Would someone tell me what is the truth ? 

Here follows an evolution of structured analysis methods (my opinion) : 

HIPO     |    
 |       |-|   SADT
 |         |    |      JSP/JSD
 |         |  |-|       |
 |------|  |  |  |------|
        |  |  |  |
       SD (1974-78) <Yourdon>
          |    |
          |    |--|
          |       |
          |     SA (1978-79) <DeMarco>
    |-----|      |  |   |
    |            |  |   |--------------------------------|
    |            |  |   |                                |
    |            |  |   |-------------------|            |
    |   |--------|  |   |                   |            |
    |   |           |   |                   |            |
    |   |           |   |                   |            |
    |   |           |  STRADIS (1979)       |            |
    |   |           |                       |            |
    |   |           |                      IE (1981)     |
    |   |           |                                    |
  SA/SD (1982-84)   |                                    |
                    |----|                               |
                    |    |                               |
                    |   Boeing-Hatley RT                 |
                    |    (1984)                          |
                    |                                    |
                    |---|                                |
                    |   |                                |
                    |  Ward-Mellor RT                    |
                    |   (1985-86)                        |
                    |                                    |
                    |                                   SSADM (1986)
                    Hatley-Pirbhai RT


I have understood that Yourdon's new YSM is almost the same as SA/SD-method.
Am I right ? 

Are there any other SA- or SD-methods, that are well known ? Are there errors
in my chart ? Please let me know.

tensu%vehka.uta.fi@uunet.uu.net  * Tampere Finland Europe 
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