U12921%UICVM.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU (Don Hosek) (04/22/86)
========================================================================= Date: 21 Apr 86 18:22:05 CST From: SMTPUSER@WISCVM.WISC.EDU To: U12921@UICVM.BITNET WISCVM.WISC.EDU Mail Server unable to deliver the following mail to: <INFO-MICRO@BRL-BGR.ARPA> Reason: Unknown Host: BRL-BGR.ARPA ** Text of Mail follows ** Received: from (MAILER)UICVM.BITNET by WISCVM.WISC.EDU on 04/21/86 at 18:22:03 CST Received: by UICVM (Mailer X1.23b) id 5137; Mon, 21 Apr 86 18:19:12 CST Date: 21 April 1986, 18:13:37 CST From: U12921%UICVM.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU (Don Hosek ) To: INFO-MICRO@BRL-BGR.ARPA Subject: MSX Hi there! Does anybody remember MSX? You know -- the big Japanese Z-80 based micro standard... Well, I have an SV-318 with 80K, disk&tape, and the traditional red plastic joystick in the keyboard. I was just wondering if anybody else was lost at sea when the company went under. (By the way: I know you're wondering, ``Why the hell did he get such a stupid system in the first place?'' Well the answer is, I used to work for the company writing demos and it was free.) Anybody interested in trading software etc.. please send any correspondance to me at U10754@UICVM.BITNET Thanks, DH