[comp.software-eng] Looking for example YACC/LEX files...

jtn@potomac.ads.com (John T. Nelson) (06/30/90)

I'm working on a project that uses a reasonably sohpisticated YACC/LEX
grammar.  I'm having trouble though.  I'm trying to do the %union
thing and redefine the value that the lexical analyser and the YACC
actions return but I keep getting an error that says "the $ value is
incorrect" on the line the YACC action is on.

Does anyone have any example YACC files that redefine the action

See, I'm trying to parse parentnetically enclosed text and I end of
using the return value of the actions recusivly.  I can't seem to
figure out what's wrong in there though.

Are there any other newsgroups or mailing lists where people discuss
YACC/LEX problems?



ORGANIZATION:  Advanced Decision Systems   GEOGRAPHIC: Arlington, VA
UUCP:          kzin!speaker@mimsy.umd.edu  INTERNET:   jtn@potomac.ads.com
SPOKEN:        Yo... John!                 PHONE:      (703) 243-1611
PROJECT:       The Conrail Locomotive/Harpsichord Fusion Program