[comp.software-eng] How do you measure code quality?

mcmahan@netcom.UUCP (Dave Mc Mahan) (06/27/90)

 In a previous article, flint@gistdev.gist.com (Flint Pellett) writes:
>mcmahan@netcom.UUCP (Dave Mc Mahan) writes:
>> In a previous article, Don.Allingham@FtCollins.NCR.COM (Don Allingham) writes:
>>>What is a good measure of code quality?  Management likes to use "bugs
>>>per line of code".  Is this really a good measure?  Doesn't seem so to
>>>me.   And what is a line of code?  Does it include comments?  Do you make
>>>adjustments for codings style?  Program complexity?
>>Personally, I think there is only one standard, and it is set by the 'user' of
>>the code.  If the software does what it is supposed to do, the user will be
>>Other metrics of 'code quality' should include the perspective of those 
>>programmers that come later in the project to do maintainence.  Version 1.0
>>of a program could be great, but if the new programmer breaks a finely tuned
>>system that isn't robust and works because the original programmer had special
>>knowledge he didn't leave behind, the code is of poor quality in the eyes of
>>the maintainer.  I always shudder when I'm asked to modify someone else's
>>existing code.  Scrapping the current stuff is usually not possible due to time
>>and cost, so the code must be re-analyzed and adjusted to take in the new
>>I guess the bottom line is, if the code does what it is supposed to do to the
>>satisfaction of the user, it is 'good code'.  If it contains bugs or puts major
>>constraints on the user in the environment is was designed for, it could use
>>some more work before it is ready for a final release.  It may not get that
>>extra work, but it could use it.
>>>Don Allingham           
>I certainly cannot agree with this definition, because the concept of quality
>is not one that lends itself to anything this simple.  For code to be good
>code, it has to measure up against more than just one yardstick: the measure
>of "does it do what it was supposed to do" is only one yardstick.  A few
>simple examples should suffice to show what I mean.

I would claim that for any given perspective (user, maintainer, coder,
administrator, etc) that there is only one yardstick.  It may be different
depending upon the hat you wear, but for each mode there is only one.  Those
that wear multiple hats at the same time may have more than one yardstick.

>Given: The code that does exactly what it is supposed to do to the
>satisfaction of the user, works great, no constraints on the user, does
>what is was designed to do, no bugs, in the environment it was designed for.
>However: If the following is also true, I believe anyone qualified to judge
>good code is going to tell you that the code is not good code:
>1. The code is completely uncommented.  (My personal yardstick: if you have
>   one line of code, there should be 1 line of comment explaining that
>   line of code, and at least 25% of the lines of code should have
>   comments on the line explaining them.  I include documentation files
>   that explain usage, file formats, etc. in my list of required
>   documentation.

Doesn't this fall under the 'hat' of the maintainer?  A 'user' could care less
if comments exist or not, since he can't ever see them.  If one used an
interpretted language such as BASIC and it includes comments, I argue that
running the program and viewing the source code for comments requires wearing
two different hats.  I agree that a different hat provides a different viewpoint
about what is and isn't good code, but the user could care less about the
internal details.  S/he just wants a program that gets the job done.  Lack
of documentation isn't important.  The maintainer, however, is a different
matter.  Again, I would argue that lack of comments in the source falls under
the catagory of the original programmer having special knowledge that wasn't
left behind.  (personally, I tend to agree with your rules of thumb for the
percentages of comments.  However, each person and program have their own
view of what is correct).  From the user's point of view, the code may be fine.
From the viewpoint of the maintainer, it's an absolute living nightmare come
true.  Is there really any one perspective that is right for everyone?  I
think not.

>2. The code doesn't document itself.  If you've ever seen code where
>   all the variables are named "t1", "t2", "t3", etc., you know what
>   I mean.

Once again, I claim this falls under the, "original programmer had special
knowledge that he didn't properly leave behind".

>3. You cannot perform even trivial additions to the code without major
>   amounts of effort.  (When your user says "The product is great, can
>   you add <trivial thing> and you have to say "Sure, for $10K" even your
>   user is going to wonder about the code quality.)

Again, "original programmer ...."  The user isn't going to wonder about code
quality.  The person paying the bills may, however.  These two personna are not
always the same individual.

>4. The choice of language was inappropriate: 2000 lines of code were
>   written to do what 5 lines would do in another language.

I feel this is a relative point.  Is there really any 'quality' difference
between a program that is 20000 lines of assembly vs. a program that is 5
lines of Lisp (or other language) which requires  a 200K interpretter to
run it?  What is a 'line of code' in one language equivilent to when compared
to another language?  It is quite possible that the 2000 lines of code may be
much faster than the other version that requires only 5 lines.  What if the
rest of the program is already written in the language of the 2000 lines,
and switching to a more compact language form isn't even close to trivial?
I've seen some pretty wicked-looking APL programs that are only 5 lines, but
you would need 5 years of dedicated APL experience to figure them out.  Quality
code?  You make the call.

>5. The code re-invented the wheel.  It is not great code to write your
>   own routines to do things the standard libraries do for you, even if
>   your routines work.  It is not good code if your code could have been
>   driven from standard file formats and wasn't.  

IMHO this is bad form, but is it really bad code?  Most probably yes, but who
can say?  Perhaps the redundant code was written to make the program truely
portable across a large spectrum of machines.  Is it then redundant and
'Bad form' just because the machine you are running it on has a better way?
Wouldn't this conflict with item #6 below?

>6. The code isn't portable.  Well, maybe that isn't important to you, it
>   does work perfectly in the original environment.

Once again, it may be non-portable, but is that a measure of bad code
quality?  It is optimal (IMHO) to write code that IS portable across machines
as often as possible, but the obvious case of an assembly language program
is clearly never portable (or hardly ever).  Is this poor quality code?

>7. Code complexity.  This goes to the issue of maintenance referred to
>   before.  One tool I use is a mccabe complexity analysis: I get a
>   number back for each routine telling me it's complexity according to
>   the McCabe model, and I know if I see anything above a 10 I better
>   go look at it and see if I can rewrite it in a better fashion.

I'm not familiar with the McCabe model.  It sounds like a good thing from
what you write of.  I feel that this might provide a good guidepost to
code that is too complex, but is this always the case?   To steal a phrase
from many .signature lines (I think the orginal author was Alan McKay),

"Simple things should be simple.  Complex things should be possible."

I don't feel that code complexity is a hard and fast good/bad indicator of
code quality.  Ever try to filter out satellite frequency shift from a local
oscillator in 10 lines or less?  Some things just take a lot of complicated

>I could probably list a few dozen more things, but this posting is too
>long already: but maybe that is the point: there is no simple definition
>of what represents code quality.

This is a statement I totally agree with.  I was trying to write about the
most common metric I use, the perspective of the end user.  I feel the bottom
line is that no matter how elegant the code is, if it doesn't do the job
correctly, it's not worth the paper it is printed on.

> In the meantime, don't
>trust anyone who says they can define what quality software is in one
>paragraph, because it cannot be done. 

I'm not sure if that was the message that went out, but it's definately not
the message I was trying to deliver.  The original poster asked for some ways
to measure quality, and I gave him the ones I use to sell of the product.  You
are quite correct in stating that there are many more ways than one to look
at what makes 'quality software'.

>Flint Pellett, Global Information Systems Technology, Inc.


mcmahan@netcom.UUCP (Dave Mc Mahan) (06/27/90)

 In a previous article, cimshop!davidm@uunet.UU.NET (David S. Masterson) writes:
>In article <10865@netcom.UUCP> mcmahan@netcom.UUCP (Dave Mc Mahan) writes:
>   Personally, I think there is only one standard, and it is set by the 'user'
>   of the code.  If the software does what it is supposed to do, the user will
>   be happy.
>This seems all right for an internal, "captive" user, but how about the
>end-user of a software product?  Must he buy the product only to determine
>that he isn't happy with it?  Isn't that a little late?

Yes, especially if s/he didn't buy from a place that has a money back guarantee!
I'm a firm believer that every buyer is responsible for determining the 
'fitness' for any program purchased.  I always try to demo a piece of software
before I spend money.  However, fairness aside, I still stick to my original
premise that the yardstick for determining if the software is 'quality' or not
belongs to the user.  Who else knows better then s/he what problem needs to be
solved.  Finding out that the 'quality' is lacking after the purchase is indeed
an unfortunate suprise, but not related to whether or not you have just
purchased a 'quality' product.  The product was either fit or unfit before the
purchase.  Finding out before is always better (although usually harder) than
finding out after the purchase.

Caveat Emptor!!

>David Masterson					Consilium, Inc.


flint@gistdev.gist.com (Flint Pellett) (06/28/90)

To answer your question on the McCabe complexity, since I've gotten
several pieces of e-mail on it as well.  What it measures is the
complexity of each "routine", not each "file".  I have some "quality"
code (IMHO) that performs some conceptually very complex tasks which
is well organized into a collection of small routines no one of which
is especially complex.  I also know of some examples of code where the
job that is being done is relatively simple and straightforward,
(albeit with a lot of special cases) but it was written as one huge
routine about 3000 lines long.  That routine earned an incredibly high
complexity rating.  The interesting thing about it is that the very
complex routine has required fixing again and again and again, but the
uncomplicated routines that perform the more complicated job have not. 
"Needing fixing" is not just a maintainer's view either: if some user
hadn't had a problem with it, the maintainer wouldn't have dared to
touch the thing.

With some problems, you just aren't able to break the problem apart
enough of course, and you will have complexity.  If you use the
complexity measure to conclude "this is bad code" then you've misused
the measure.  (There may be a high correlation between complex code
and poor code, but one does not perfectly imply the other.) 

On the issue of "quality is in the eye of the user" only: the problem
with that as the sole measure of quality is that it is not a stable
"measure", it's like a rubber yardstick.  For example, say that I buy
a new car, and I and several million other owners are completely happy
with it for two years.  Then we find out on the news that our cars are
unsafe if we ever need to perform a quick turn to the left, and will
always roll over.  Overnight the user satisfaction with the product
drops to half what it was: can you claim that the quality of the
product changed?  I contend that the quality was constant (and not
very good) but by measuring only how the users felt about it I misled
myself.  To really know what the quality of the product is (regardless
of what hat I'm wearing) I need to examine several things, not just one.
Flint Pellett, Global Information Systems Technology, Inc.
1800 Woodfield Drive, Savoy, IL  61874     (217) 352-1165
uunet!gistdev!flint or flint@gistdev.gist.com

ssdken@watson.Claremont.EDU (Ken Nelson) (06/29/90)

  I am not sure that any metric is an absolute indicator of quality, 
  or even a close estimate all the time.  I also don't really care,
  as long as the metric gives me a general, accurate a lot of the time
  estimate of quality.

  I use metrics to prevent bugs, and to optimize and focus my
  maintenance and testing efforts.  If a high McCabe Complexity
  generally indicates bugs, then it only makes sense to allocate
  more design review, testing, checking out effort to modules
  with high complexity.

  Metrics won't replace users feelings about quality, or 
  programmers feelings about quality.   They can act as an
  CONSISTENT and IMPARTIAL consultant when merged with user's
  and programmers gut feelings can make the bug prevention
  and detection effort more efficient.

  Metrics don't have personal, political, or other problems
  generally associated with people.  They can be measured
  at night, on as small or large a piece of the software
  as you like.  Just like computers, they HELP but don't
  replace humans.

			Ken Nelson
			Software Systems Design
			(714) 624-3402

mcmahan@netcom.UUCP (Dave Mc Mahan) (07/02/90)

 In a previous article, flint@gistdev.gist.com (Flint Pellett) writes:
>On the issue of "quality is in the eye of the user" only: the problem
>with that as the sole measure of quality is that it is not a stable
>"measure", it's like a rubber yardstick.  For example, say that I buy
>a new car, and I and several million other owners are completely happy
>with it for two years.  Then we find out on the news that our cars are
>unsafe if we ever need to perform a quick turn to the left, and will
>always roll over.  Overnight the user satisfaction with the product
>drops to half what it was: can you claim that the quality of the
>product changed?  I contend that the quality was constant (and not
>very good) but by measuring only how the users felt about it I misled
>myself.  To really know what the quality of the product is (regardless
>of what hat I'm wearing) I need to examine several things, not just one.

Yes, in my original posting I mentioned that this method of measurement is one
of the harder ones to quantify, as the user can't even tell you what is good
or bad about the program in detailed words.  Things like, "well, it just doesn't
seem to make sense", or "I like it, but it's not really what I want" don't
help me too much.  Changing expectations are always a job hazzard.  In more
formal descriptions, this is called "requesting more features".  The
yardstick can change (since people are fickle) and you can't really do to much
about it, since there was never any formal acceptance by the user as to what the
program would do.  If there had been, the programmer/engineer can use that
as justification for more money, since the program now has to do more things.
I still stand by my original premise, however.  If it doesn't do what the
customer wants and needs, the program can use adjustment.

>Flint Pellett, Global Information Systems Technology, Inc.


xanthian@zorch.SF-Bay.ORG (Kent Paul Dolan) (07/02/90)

In article <CIMSHOP!DAVIDM.90Jun25103758@uunet.UU.NET> cimshop!davidm@uunet.UU.NET (David S. Masterson) writes:
>In article <10865@netcom.UUCP> mcmahan@netcom.UUCP (Dave Mc Mahan) writes:
>   Personally, I think there is only one standard, and it is set by the 'user'
>   of the code.  If the software does what it is supposed to do, the user will
>   be happy.
>This seems all right for an internal, "captive" user, but how about the
>end-user of a software product?  Must he buy the product only to determine
>that he isn't happy with it?  Isn't that a little late?

Moreover, if management wants to reward creation of quality code
(what a novel concept, but how wise), you'd better have a lot
more objective was of measuring quality.  Bugs reported per time
period, effort per bug to repair, changes requested per time period,
time DIV complexity to make those changes, several metrics (granted
they're mostly snake oil and predict little; let's improve them),
all need to be considered before bonuses are paid.

Kent, the (unemployable) man from xanth.
<xanthian@Zorch.SF-Bay.ORG> <xanthian@well.sf.ca.us>

davidm@uunet.UU.NET (David S. Masterson) (07/02/90)

In article <1990Jul2.000639.14545@zorch.SF-Bay.ORG> xanthian@zorch.SF-Bay.ORG
(Kent Paul Dolan) writes:

   Moreover, if management wants to reward creation of quality code
   (what a novel concept, but how wise), you'd better have a lot
   more objective was of measuring quality.  Bugs reported per time
   period, effort per bug to repair, changes requested per time period,
   time DIV complexity to make those changes, several metrics (granted
   they're mostly snake oil and predict little; let's improve them),
   all need to be considered before bonuses are paid.

Perhaps its better for management to reward a percentage of the return on the
code than worry about the quality of the code.  No measurements, no
predictions, just simple sharing of returns (product sales, money saved,
etc.).  I know this sort of contradicts what I've said before, but what the

Actually, I think its more important to be able to predict outcomes with some
measure of accuracy going into a project than coming out of one (when you
would normally decide on rewards).
David Masterson					Consilium, Inc.
uunet!cimshop!davidm				Mt. View, CA  94043
"If someone thinks they know what I said, then I didn't say it!"

flint@gistdev.gist.com (Flint Pellett) (07/02/90)

Expectations are probably the biggest variable in our industry: how
happy a customer is with something depends a lot on what they expect
out of it.  Continuing the previous analogy: If I bought a $50,000
sports car today, and tomorrow a different company announced one that
was better at everything, and cost half as much, my satisfaction would
nosedive.  With cars that isn't very likely, but with software it is
VERY likely.  ("Gee, I just bought your $2K UNIX based system, and
today I see a $50 package on a Mac that does "X" so much better..."
and expectations rise.)  I've noticed that this is particularly
prevalent when people make comparisons between complete systems and
individual components, such as the recent spate of comparisons between
the compiler provided as part of Coherent's UNIX system and
stand-alone DOS compilers.  (People seem to "expect" the same level of
performance in the compiler they got as part of a whole system (for
$100) as they expect out of a stand-alone compiler (that costs $150).) 
Flint Pellett, Global Information Systems Technology, Inc.
1800 Woodfield Drive, Savoy, IL  61874     (217) 352-1165
uunet!gistdev!flint or flint@gistdev.gist.com

brianc@labmed.ucsf.edu (Brian Colfer) (07/03/90)

In article <CIMSHOP!DAVIDM.90Jul2005035@uunet.UU.NET> cimshop!davidm@uunet.UU.NET (David S. Masterson) writes:
>   Moreover, if management wants to reward creation of quality code
>   (what a novel concept, but how wise), you'd better have a lot
>   more objective was of measuring quality.  Bugs reported per time
>   period, effort per bug to repair, changes requested per time period,
>   time DIV complexity to make those changes, several metrics (granted
>   they're mostly snake oil and predict little; let's improve them),
>   all need to be considered before bonuses are paid.
>Perhaps its better for management to reward a percentage of the return on the
>code than worry about the quality of the code.  No measurements, no
>predictions, just simple sharing of returns (product sales, money saved,

Yet this is a measurement... 

For systems which are designed with the primary motivation of
generating profits I think that this is only way to reward software

There are two problems with this measurement system:
   1) There may be a latency between production of the system and
      realization of return.  This will dampen the reward effect but
	  probably not by very much ... at least you would reward the
	  units individuals who follow good practices ... code review,etc.
	  It will also surpress the link for management between good
	  software principles and rewards. 

   2) How do we reward public sector programmers?  For example if I
      write code which makes it easier for an M.D. to save a life how
	  much is that code worth?  To belabor the point... how much is
	  the Huble telescope code worth?

We still need a way to recognize quality and reinforce it.

>Actually, I think its more important to be able to predict outcomes with some
>measure of accuracy going into a project than coming out of one (when you
>would normally decide on rewards).

Predict outcomes of what the code will do or the return on investment?
Brian  Colfer          | UC San Francisco        |------------------------|
                       | Dept. of Lab. Medicine  | System Administrator,  |
brianc@labmed.ucsf.edu | S.F. CA, 94143-0134 USA | Programer/Analyst      | 
BRIANC@UCSFCCA.BITNET  | PH. (415) 476-2325      |------------------------|

tom@stl.stc.co.uk (Tom Thomson) (07/05/90)

In article <926@gistdev.gist.com> flint@gistdev.gist.com (Flint Pellett) writes:
>To answer your question on the McCabe complexity, .................
>With some problems, you just aren't able to break the problem apart
>enough of course, and you will have complexity.  If you use the
>complexity measure to conclude "this is bad code" then you've misused
>the measure.  (There may be a high correlation between complex code
>and poor code, but one does not perfectly imply the other.) 
Some published work indicates no correlation at all between McCabe complexity
measure and rate of change of code after release;  while there's a very strong
correlation between rate of change after release and source code size. 
[Barbara Kitchenham published some stuff on this years ago, I can't remember
 the exact reference].
For an economic measure of quality, post-release rate-of-change is pretty good:
change arises because there were bugs; debugging after release is expensive.
[Obviously, for something that is going through a planned series of releases 
with planned facility enhancements, not all change is to do with bugs, but the
change that is is bad news.]
So code size is a better (very much better) measure of code quality than
McCabe Complexity - - the smaller the source code to do a job, the better the 
quality. The McCabe measure tells us something about the control flow graph
of the program: so it is completely useless for code not written in a control
flow language (ML, pure Lisp, Prolog, ......); it favours (assigns lower
complexity to) programs written in a style which use jump tables in data areas
instead of case statements in code and compute program addresses by arithmetic
instead of using labels or procedure names, so it's going to tell you that
really awful programs are pretty good.
Just as the quote above is not claiming that not every program with a high 
McCabe number is a bad one, I'm not claiming that every program with a low 
McCabe number is a bad one either; just pointing that the McCabe number is
of very little use for anything.

warren@eecs.cs.pdx.edu (Warren Harrison) (07/06/90)

In article <3182@stl.stc.co.uk> "Tom Thomson" <tom@stl.stc.co.uk> writes:
>In article <926@gistdev.gist.com> flint@gistdev.gist.com (Flint Pellett) writes:
>Some published work indicates no correlation at all between McCabe complexity
>measure and rate of change of code after release;  while there's a very strong
>correlation between rate of change after release and source code size. 
>[Barbara Kitchenham published some stuff on this years ago, I can't remember
> the exact reference].
This isn't surprising. Rate of change after code release has very little
to do with (sorry, but it seems like the most appropriate term) "code quality".
It is well known that under 20% of maintenance (ie, code changes after
release) are due to things other than bugs (see Lientz & Swanson's research
for the exact percentages) - primarily new functionality and adaptations
to new environments (aka "porting"). We recently looked at about 250,000 lines
of embedded avionics software from several families of Navay attack aircraft.
Our percentages agreed with the L & S study. Not surprisingly, we had minimal
correlations between metrics and change.
>For an economic measure of quality, post-release rate-of-change is pretty good:
>change arises because there were bugs; debugging after release is expensive.
Not true for most software (see above)!
>[Obviously, for something that is going through a planned series of releases 
>with planned facility enhancements, not all change is to do with bugs, but the
>change that is is bad news.]
Even isolating the changes due to bugs does not give you a suitable basis for
evaluating code metrics, since large percentages of bugs are typically due to
Sepcification and/or design errors (in one of our studies we found about 25%
of teh recorded bugs during testing were due to coding - the rest were put
in at spec or design stage). Obviouslyu you can have the best code in the
world but if the design or spec is wrong, it's still a bug.
>So code size is a better (very much better) measure of code quality than
>McCabe Complexity - - the smaller the source code to do a job, the better the 
>quality. The McCabe measure tells us something about the control flow graph
>of the program: so it is completely useless for code not written in a control
>flow language (ML, pure Lisp, Prolog, ......); it favours (assigns lower
>complexity to) programs written in a style which use jump tables in data areas
>instead of case statements in code and compute program addresses by arithmetic
>instead of using labels or procedure names, so it's going to tell you that
>really awful programs are pretty good.
All metrics should be assumed to be useful only within their specific
domain - it's asking a little much for a universal property to be applied
to all programming paridigms - consider that people measure expert system
performance using LIPS instead of MIPS. In fact, a number of studies have
shown that as programs get smaller, their bug rate (ie, bugs per KLOC)
increase (Basili's work stands out most in my mind, but others have done
this too), so while larger modules have more bugs, they often have fewer
bugs per thousand lines of code.

>Just as the quote above is not claiming that not every program with a high 
>McCabe number is a bad one, I'm not claiming that every program with a low 
>McCabe number is a bad one either; just pointing that the McCabe number is
>of very little use for anything.
It *can* identify source code that is hard to
follow due to explicit flow of control (to evaluate the McCabe metric,
only consider code errors that were due to control flow problems). This
won't give you the whole picture, but it will give you one part of it.
Most metricians recommend that you use a set of metrics to get a handle
on the different aspects of the code (sorry again) "quality", just like a
physician will tell you about blood pressure, height, weight, cholesterol, etc.
The mistake is evaluating the code using *one* number.
I wouldbe happy to send copies of tech reports or reprints of our papers
to anyone who is interested. Just send me you US Mail address (we don't
have most of them on-line).


Warren Harrison                                          warren@cs.pdx.edu
Department of Computer Science                                503/725-3108
Portland State University   

davidm@uunet.UU.NET (David S. Masterson) (07/06/90)

In article <3016@ucsfcca.ucsf.edu> brianc@labmed.ucsf.edu (Brian Colfer)

   In article <CIMSHOP!DAVIDM.90Jul2005035@uunet.UU.NET> 
   cimshop!davidm@uunet.UU.NET (David S. Masterson) writes:
   >   Moreover, if management wants to reward creation of quality code
   >   (what a novel concept, but how wise), you'd better have a lot
   >   more objective was of measuring quality.  Bugs reported per time
   >   period, effort per bug to repair, changes requested per time period,
   >   time DIV complexity to make those changes, several metrics (granted
   >   they're mostly snake oil and predict little; let's improve them),
   >   all need to be considered before bonuses are paid.
   >Perhaps its better for management to reward a percentage of the return on
   >the code than worry about the quality of the code.  No measurements, no
   >predictions, just simple sharing of returns (product sales, money saved,

   Yet this is a measurement...

Yeh, but not necessarily a measurement within the control of the organization
(how many high-quality programs have you seen generate little return?) and
certainly not something knowable going into a project.  Besides, if a project
fails, is it the programmers fault or top-management?

   >Actually, I think its more important to be able to predict outcomes with
   >some measure of accuracy going into a project than coming out of one (when
   >you would normally decide on rewards).

   Predict outcomes of what the code will do or the return on investment?

By the above, isn't this one and the same?  The need to know how code will
perform will come from the desire to maximize a return on investment.  Without
some measure of certainty in getting a good return on invest, why bother to
David Masterson					Consilium, Inc.
uunet!cimshop!davidm				Mt. View, CA  94043
"If someone thinks they know what I said, then I didn't say it!"

mcgregor@hemlock.Atherton.COM (Scott McGregor) (07/07/90)

In article <3182@stl.stc.co.uk>, tom@stl.stc.co.uk (Tom Thomson) writes:

> Just as the quote above is not claiming that not every program with a high 
> McCabe number is a bad one, I'm not claiming that every program with a low 
> McCabe number is a bad one either; just pointing that the McCabe number is
> of very little use for anything.

In one case that I am aware of a group decided to put a ceiling on
McCabe complexity metric numbers for routines in their product.  Any routine
that was too complex was sent back for re-write.  An unexpected side-effect
was that the total number of files in the system grew as the 
McCabe numbers declined.  And as the number of files grew, the complexity
of the configuration grew, and there were more misconfigurations made
in submittals to QA as a result.  So while bugs in the modules were
reduced, bugs in the configuration increased and required extra effort
to fix.  Again, this doesn't mean McCabe numbers are bad; I can imagine
that if you put a ceiling on source statements you might have a similar
effect.  But I agree with other earlier posters that you need to be very
careful what you measure and what interpretation you put on it.

--Scott McGregor