[comp.software-eng] Request for References

ma@inmet.inmet.com (08/30/90)

/* Written  3:52 pm  Aug 29, 1990 by ma@inmet.inmet.com in inmet:comp.simulation */
/* ---------- "Request for References" ---------- */
I am working on a simulation model of a large distributed
software system.  Since I am new to the field, I have been trying to 
find relevant literature.  Although there are a lot of books on simulation 
in general, including general simulation of computer systems/networks,
I have not been able to find any satifying literature pertaining
to the particular problems of modelling SOFTWARE SYSTEMS, in particular 
of software systems which run on top of an existing OS and which in turn 
support other applications running on top of THEM.  

Could you all please point me to your favorite relevant references?
I am interested both in books which cover the subject and in
descriptions of actual models of such systems.

Thanks for your help,

Malgosia Askanas (ma@inmet.inmet.com)
/* End of text from inmet:comp.simulation */