[comp.software-eng] OO vs. Information Engineering

schultz@grebyn.com (Ronald Schultz) (08/30/90)

Object-Oriented Development appears to, after watching postings
here, to be a niche software development technique, only suitable
for real-time, graphics software, or operating system
development.  After watching for months, I have seen little to no
posting as to how object-oriented development is in any way a
complete lifecycle development approach for business systems

My interest in this is from an MIS management perspective. 
Information Engineering (IE) (Finkelstein and Martin) is becoming
the development methodology of choice for most organizations. 
Many of the Fortune 100 are spending millions on CASE tools in
support of these methods.  (In the latest issues of
ComputerWorld, both Ford and GE have recently signed multimillion
$$ agreements with CASE vendors for tools).  Information
Engineering experienced systems analysts command 5K to 15K higher
salaries than their non-IE peers due to the number of companies
trying to hire them.

OOD, as it stands today in what I see in the trade press, on
USENET, and in seminars, seems in no way as robust or as complete
as IE.  Tool support is diverse and complete for IE, from high
level business systems planning support clear to automated code
generation.  The basic question is:

How can an MIS manager in good concience recommend OOD for key,
high visibility business systems again IE?  

As project manager for the IBM mainframe user's group project on
Object-Oriented Development, I am constantly asked this question. 
While I may be a zealot for OO, I have serious doubts that OO
will ever take hold in MIS against IE.  Even the benefits of
object-oriented programming may be soon passe against the code
generation facilities of products like Knowledgeware's IEW and
TI's IEF.  

And so I issue a challenge.  In terms of a complete lifecycle
methodology, from business systems planning through testing and
maintenance, what does OO offer that is better than IE?  Give me
any reasons why a senior MIS manager should bet his job and that
of his staff (and possibly his company - since many MIS systems
are mission critical to an enterprise's survival (e.g. American
Express)).  Is the hype to OO merely a marketing promo for C++
and OODBMSs, or is there something substantial for us in MIS to
deal with ?  

Thanx for listening

Ron Schultz
