duncan@dduck.ctt.bellcore.com (Scott Duncan) (09/12/90)
Well, I messed up. Forgetting that news.announce.conferences is moderated and that my posting to it would not take effect automatically. So here is the information on the Fourth International Workshop on Computer-Aided Software Engineering (Irvine, California, December 5-8, 1990). Please note the Oct. 5th deadline for position papers (required for attendance). Also, I've edited the Program Committee membership list based on my knowledge (as of the end of June) of who's a member. Any omitted names are probably my fault, therefore. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Call for Papers and Participation Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) is the widespread commercial application of software engineering techniques and computer technology to information systems development. The mission of CASE '90 is to exchange, synthesize, and disseminate ideas among users, developers, researchers, and supporters of CASE with the goal of advancing CASE technology and its effective use. The theme for CASE '90 is Cooperation. CASE '90 is a limited attendance workshop primarily for those interested in advancing the state-of-the-art of CASE. Prospective attenders must submit 6 camera-ready copies of a one to two page position paper in English by October 5, 1990. Position papers should relate to the cooperation of tools, people, methods and software and how they pertain to the state-of-the-practice, research directions, and future requirements for CASE in the workshop topic areas. Submitters must include their name, address, daytime phone number, and fax number if available. TOPIC AREAS Working groups will discuss the current state-of-the-practice, research directions, and consider future requirements in the following topic areas: EXISTING SYSTEMS Maintenance & Management Reverse Engineering & Design Recovery Salvaging Software for Reuse ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES CASE Tool Integration Repositories MetaCASE MANAGING THE TRANSITIONS Use & Abuse of CASE Technology Transfer Methods & Tools to Support the Transitions Transition from Research to Product METHODS & TOOLS Requirements Elicitation & Traceability Software Reuse Object Oriented Methods Formal Methods Verification & Validation Tools The Effect of CASE on Software Engineering Practices GROUP & PROCESS MANAGEMENT Group Work Support Tools Metrics/Measurements/Risk Analysis Quality CASE Standards Coordination - December 4-5, 1990 CASE '90 will host the fourth joint meeting of the various groups developing CASE standards, in areas such as data interchange, tool interfaces, and repositories, to coordinate the various efforts. Official representatives of standards efforts should contact the standards coordination co-chairs to receive pre-meeting materials. The meeting will be open to all interested CASE '90 attenders. Exhibits / Tools Fair In conjunction with CASE '90, a tools fair will include exhibits of state-of- the-art CASE approaches, and the environments and tools to support them. Space is available for commercial and non-commercial exhibits. Contact one of the Exhibits Co-Chairs listed below: Guidelines for Position Papers The following guidelines are suggested for position papers: users could describe what capabilities are needed now, whatUs working and what isnUt, and look ahead to their needs for the future; researchers and developers could suggest technical challenges and objectives for the next five years; vendors could review the present direction, constraints, and opportunities for CASE in the marketplace. Position papers must list 2-4 keywords including the workshop topic area. Advance Papers The Program Committee will review papers and notify submitters of their acceptance to attend the workshop. Submitted position papers will be reviewed by the Program Committee. All papers that are accepted will become part of the bound pre-meeting Advance Papers book distributed to attenders for active use and reference during the Workshop sessions. (Prior CASE Workshop Advance Papers books were a bound 2-volume set containing over 200 submissions, representing several hundred authors from about a dozen countries.) Some attenders will be invited to discuss their papers as the focus of CASE '90 discussions. In addition, prospective attenders may submit longer papers (maximum of 5000 words) dealing with any of the workshop topic areas. However, each co-author must submit a position paper to be considered as a workshop attender. One of CASE '90 Workshop's goals is to disseminate its working group results and conclusions through published proceedings, or other appropriate means. Format of Submissions All papers should be formatted single-spaced for 8.5 by 11 inch paper with a one inch margin left, right, top, and bottom. A 10 point font is preferred. Number pages in the upper-right corner. The first page should begin with the title, author(s), and affiliation(s) centered, and should not have a page number. Do not create a title page. Machine-readable submissions are preferred. Diskettes should be either (a) 3.5" Macintosh format with Microsoft Word or MacWrite files, embedded illustrations or tables okay; (b) 3.5S or 5.25" DS/DD IBM PC format with Microsoft Word, WordPerfect 5.0 or ASCII files. When sending any other media or word processor format, include six (6) copies of your submission in hard copy, camera-ready form. Send all papers to the closest regional program coordinator listed below. Papers from North America and areas not listed should be addressed to the Program Chair. General Chair Ronald J. Norman San Diego State University Program Chair: Wayne Stevens IBM Corporation 472 Wheelers Farms Road Milford, CT 06460-2757 USA (203) 783-4432 fax: (203) 783-7488 European Coordinator John O. Jenkins City University London Northhampton Square Dept. of Business Computing London ECIV 0HB United Kingdom (+44) 77.490.7206 fax: (+44) 71.608.1270 South Pacific Coordinator Ross Jeffery School of Information Systems University of New South Wales P.O. Box 1 Kensington, NSW 2033 Australia (+02) 697.4413 fax: (+02) 662.4061 Standards Coordination Co-Chairs: David Sharon - Western Hemisphere CASE Associates Inc. (503) 656-0986 Myer Morron - Eastern Hemisphere STC Technology Ltd. (44) 279-29531 Exhibits Co-Chair: Paul Jorgensen RTI of West Michigan (616) 771-6642 Homa Taraji The Aerospace Corporation (213) 336-3450 Hotel The Irvine Hilton and Towers is located at 17900 Jamboree Boulevard in Irvine, adjacent to the Interstate 405 freeway. (714)863-3111; FAX: (714)852-1574. Accepted attenders will make room reservations directly with the hotel. The special rate for CASE '90 will be $85 per night single or double occupancy. Rooms in the Towers with Concierge services are $105. Prevailing taxes will be applied to the room rates. Special rates the week-end prior to or following the workshop are on an availability basis. Workshop Fees Accepted attenders will receive final workshop registration materials by mail. The workshop fees for accepted attenders will be General registration: $395 to October 5, $445 thereafter; Sponsor and IEEE members: $345 to October 5, $395 thereafter; Full-time students: $100, excluding banquet. Fees are per person and include one copy of Advance papers, admission to the workshop sessions and exhibits including the CASE Standards Coordination meeting, break refreshments, lunches (Thurs and Friday), and official banquet or event. To attend CASE Standards Coordination Meeting only: $50.00 Since CASE '90 is a participatory workshop, fees are not waived for making a presentation. CO-Sponsored by: International Workshop on CASE, Inc. IEEE Computer Society. In Cooperation With: City University, London Imperial College Index Technology Corp. San Diego State University Washington University CSDP Program Committee Wayne Stevens IBM Corporation Mike Merriman Index Technology William Agresti Mitre Corporation Myer Morron STC Technology Diane Mularz The Mitre Corporation Barbara Bouldin Micro Focus U. Rajagopal Tata Consultancy Sjaak Brinkemper Univ. of Nijmegen Sam Redwine Soft. Prod. Consortium Thomas Browdy Washington Univ. CSDP Burt Rubenstein Bull HN Hasan Sayani Adv. Systems Technology Elliot Chikofsky Index Tech. Dave Sharon CASE Associates & Northeastern U. Roberto Ciampoli CRIS - Olivetti David Sutherland University of Maryland Jean Claude Derniame CRIN - University of Nancy Homa Taraji The Aerospace Corp. Scott Duncan Bellcore Graham Tate Massey University Robert Dunn Cadware Roger Van Ghent New York University Renaat Verbruggen Dublin City Univ. Gene Forte CASE OUTLOOK June Verner Massey University Alan Hecht Mesa Systems Gene Hoffnagle IBM Corporation Ross Jeffery Univ. of New S. Wales John VanZijl BSO / Buro voor SysteemOntwikkeling John Jenkins City University London ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Speaking only for myself, of course, I am... Scott P. Duncan (duncan@ctt.bellcore.com OR ...!bellcore!ctt!duncan) (Bellcore, 444 Hoes Lane RRC 1H-210, Piscataway, NJ 08854) (908-699-3910 (w) 609-737-2945 (h))