[comp.software-eng] documentation on porting

tom@parcom.nl (Tom van Peer) (09/28/90)

I hope this is the right group for my question.  Could someone give me some
pointers to literature on the subject of porting software.  I'm especially
curious whether the problems arising when porting software to a platform
are independent of the program being ported.  Put differently: are there
general points to watch when porting?  Please MAIL your answers since we
don't receive this group here.  Thanks in advance,


jane@bohra.cpg.oz (Jane Lean) (10/10/90)

In article <212@amstel.parcom.nl> tom@parcom.nl (Tom van Peer) writes:
> I hope this is the right group for my question.  Could someone give me some
> pointers to literature on the subject of porting software.  I'm especially
> curious whether the problems arising when porting software to a platform
> are independent of the program being ported.  Put differently: are there
> general points to watch when porting?  Please MAIL your answers since we
> don't receive this group here.  Thanks in advance,
If someone :-) could see their way clear to posting some stuff, I'd be



bhahn@STRATUS.COM (Bill Hahn) (10/10/90)

See "Portable C and UNIX System Programming" by J.E.Lapin, Prentice-Hall,
ISBN 0-13-686494-5.
Bill Hahn               bhahn@bogus.sw.stratus.com
Stratus Computers      "It was worse than a crime -- it was a mistake."
Marlboro, MA, USA           - J. Fouche
--------- These are my opinions and not necessarily those of Stratus.------