kay@cats.Ingres.COM (Mary Ellen Kay) (11/28/90)
INGRES WORLD '91 THE NORTH AMERICAN INGRES USER ASSOCIATION TENTH ANNUAL CONFERENCE May 19-23, 1990 San Jose, California FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS To honor ten years of excellence in technical achievement and product direction, Ingres, a division of ASK Computers, in cooperation with the Executive Board of the North American User Association, is proud to sponsor INGRES World, 91. This landmark technical and managerial event will be held May 19-23, in San Jose, California, and we invite you to be part of it. To celebrate our "Decade of Excellence," we have expanded both the technical and managerial programs to better serve the needs of our sophisticated user population of administrators, corporate executives, managers and developer/ entrepreneurs. The Ingres commitment to its user community will be evident in every aspect of Ingres World 91. The conference in San Jose will feature: . extended evening hours for the Technical Campground (staffed by Ingres technical personnel) with the latest in hardware from a variety of vendors; . an expanded Management track; . a return to Developers' Panels; . printed conference proceedings containing all tutorials, talks, papers, and presentations available at the beginning of the meeting, and without additional charge; . mini-tutorials on technical and managerial issues (included in the conference price); . pre-scheduled and hosted Birds-of-a-Feather programs; . morning key-note sessions; . an on-site exhibit hall packed with VARS and exhibitors showing the latest INGRES applications, tools, and business solutions; . an on-site Sequent-based electronic mail system for posting notes or messages to other attendees; and . an NAIUA 91' gala dinner event. Exciting as it sounds, INGRES World '91 cannot be a success without your involvement, both as attendees and presenters. Come tell your INGRES story in 1991! Creative applications with wide-based usage and success stories featuring INGRES will be given preference in paper selection. Papers at the novice level are encouraged, as are papers targeting the experienced user. SOME OF THE SUGGESTED PRESENTATION TOPICS INCLUDE: . your INGRES success stories -- challenges and solutions; . vertical market or enterprise-wide applications; . applications performance tuning and enhancement; . standards and compatibility; . database performance tuning; . tips and tricks of the trade; . data security in heterogeneous environments; . applications and software engineering tools for increased productivity; . graphical applications and the tools to build them; . practical experience with release 6; . rule-based features and how to use them in application design; . maximizing INGRES on your PC or Macintosh; . application strategies for the 90's; . distributed and intelligent databases -- how to make them work for you; . the role of management in database applications development; . QUEL to SQL: the migration path for the future; . Ingres and Unix -- technical synergy; . why an intelligent database? To be considered, papers should not exceed ten pages (2500 words), including graphics. A 100-word abstract must be submitted to the address below by January 1, 1991. All abstracts must include a biography of the speaker and detail his/her experience with INGRES, the release of INGRES currently used, and the primary operating system and hardware. Ideas for panels, workshops and technical sessions are also being solicited. and must be submitted in the form of a 100-word proposal stating the title, a topic synopsis, and the proposed chairperson and panel members (maximum of four). Workshop proposals should also contain a brief outline of the proposed agenda, the length of the workshop (1 or 2 hours), and any technical equipment required. All proposals will be evaluated by committee, and speakers and alternates will be notified by FEBRUARY 1, 1991. All camera-ready copy for papers or presentations must be received by MARCH 15, 1991, to meet the printing schedule for conference proceedings. IF A SPEAKER'S PRESENTATION IS NOT RECEIVED BY MARCH 15, AN ALTERNATE WILL BE CHOSEN. ALTERNATES WILL BE NOTIFIED OF THE CHANGE IN STATUS BY APRIL 1, 1991. All speakers selected by the program committee and participating in the conference will have the $795 registration fee waived, and will also receive a speaker's gift. All abstracts and proposals should be sent to NAIUA Call for Papers NAIUA/Ingres Mary Ellen Kay 1080 Marina Village Parkway Alameda, CA 94501 FAX: 415-748-3686 PHONE: 415-748-3402 Questions? Please call Mary Ellen Kay, Meeting Planner, at 415-748-3402. We look forward to receiving your submissions. The World of Ingres cannot be successful without you. Come be part of it!